Friday, April 25, 2008

Very Bad People

I feel kindlier toward  al-Qaeda

I subscribe to a lot of this stuff, which may explain my ill humor most of the time.  Not that it needs to be said, or hasn't been said many times before, but these are people have absolutely nothing in common with the vast majority of Americans.  Just the opposite.  They, or we, have got to move over.  Click-click.

It's time for true statesmanship and gutsy leadership that gathers strength from peacemaking, not saber-rattling. While George Bush's war mongering has made the U.S. hated all over the world, this week former president Jimmy Carter's courageous efforts in the Middle East could be crucial steps toward restoring peace to the region. After all, Carter negotiated the only lasting peace in the Middle East -- the Egypt-Israel peace accord that has prevented an Arab-Israeli war ever since.

The US mainstream media has blasted Carter for meeting with leaders of Hamas--the party that won the January 2006 elections in Palestine. We, on the other hand appreciate his tremendous courage and conviction: by agreeing to talk with Hamas, Carter is staying true to America's democratic principles of recognizing the legitimacy of a representative government, while underscoring the hypocrisy of the US mainstream media and the White House. The UK's Guardian Unlimited best describes Carter's foresight and political pragmatism: ...

This morning Inspector Hamilton pointed this out, and it seems as good a place as any to tack it up. 

Bush Heckler Punches Wheelchair-Bound Girl

A man heckling First Lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna outside the 92nd Street Y was arrested after he punched a wheelchair-bound girl whose parents had told him to shut up, authorities said Wednesday.

German Talis, 22, was shouting obscenities at the Bushes, who were leaving the building Tuesday, when he crossed paths with Wendy and John Lovetro and their daughter Maureen, 18, who has cerebral palsy.

They had been in the audience to hear the Bushes talk about their children's book, "Read All About It."

"He began yelling about Iraq and Iran at Jenna Bush. She was waving at the crowd. I told the guy, 'What are you doing? Shut up. This is about a child and books,' " said John Lovetro. "He was unperturbed. I said, 'Get out of here! You're being a moron!' "

The next thing he knew, Talis was allegedly punching Maureen, a fan of the first lady since meeting her in 2004.

  On Wednesday, and again Thursday - after a caller chided him - Limbaugh sang (to the tune of White Christmas), "I'm dreaming of a  Ri-i-ot"  That's an indication of how these filthy people are wearing on us.

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