Monday, April 07, 2008

San Fran Shithole

America's Worse City?

I had dinner the other night at Alioto's on the Wharf. (The only time I eat in San Francisco, is when business requires me to do so... We never go there on our own.

Anyway... when it came time to settle up, we were presented with a way-overpriced bill, which included a few glasses of grossly over-priced wine.  On the bill was a $2.83 line item designated as "Health care Surcharge".  The guy I dined with asked the waiter if the surcharge was to cover the health care for the employees of Alioto's.  He became visably annoyed , and pointed out the window at the people outside on the Embarcadero.........

He said:  No!... I have to pay for my own health care, just like everybody else!  This (surcharge) is to pay for health care for all of the Homeless". 

If what he told us is true; the San Francisco Board of Stupidvisors, in all of there keen wisdom, thought it would be a good idea create a health care program for the professional Homeless, and then ding the diners in the City's many restaurants, to pay for it!

Another reason to avoid the "City By The Bay".... like the plague!

Cuzzin Ricky

But wait ... There's more. San Francisco Reaches Out to Immigrants


Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to pass out face down in the gutter in San Fran to be covered? I may be covered!


AnnoyedOne said...

All the more reason to nuke this city until it glows. Either that or an earthquake occurs.

Anonymous said...

NO! NO! NO! This is a great idea. Let SF take the slugs. Let them coddle and caress them. Let them clean up after them. In other words, Let SF be the magnet that draws them from the rest of us!

AnnoyedOne said...

Tim, and then nuke it until it glows?

cmblake6 said...

You know that fence thing? Let's let SF gather all the slime it wants, smuggle out the few non-infected persons there, and then snap the fence up around IT to keep them in. Nothing in, nothing out. Seal it off, let it rot.

Anonymous said...

Any time you subsidize something, you encourage more of it.

I guess SF enjoys its homeless, and wants more.


Anonymous said...

HAH!...You'll take 'Bob' Mondavi Pinot Noir and like it Bub!...O Tempora, O mores...

Anonymous said...

They should just add vitamins to the muscatel.

Then they can enjoy their winos forever.

Remove Federal Bum subsidies and it would just be perfect.

Anonymous said...

illegals move in. illegals vote. illegals run for office. illegals win.
bye bye Gavin et al!


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