Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fake Smiles

Spot the fake smile

This was no meaningless internet blog test, what with being based on research by Professor Paul Ekman, a psychologist at the University of California.  Yes, THE Paul Ekman.  Before you begin spotting fake smiles, you're asked to rate how sure you are of your ability to spot them.  100% baby, 100%.  So, that me, yes ME, the ladies man could be undone by four ladies is just stunning. 
Actually, nobody ever called me the "ladies man," through oversight and jealousies I assumed, but, whoa.  I'm just a sucker for the bitches, that's all there is to it.  But if you're dating my daughter, there ain't no fooling me. I know phony men like I know myself. 


Anonymous said...

You got 17 out of 20 correct

Anonymous said...

Spot The Fake Smile
You got 17 out of 20 correct
I've always considered myself good at this...Thought I would do better.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I got 14 out of 20.

Interesting test.

Juice said...

I got 13 of 20. Mostly included the eyes for wrinkle-ups and focus. Still, did poorly. But I could appreciate this part of the explanation:
"One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling."

"Verry interesting...but not funny."

Anonymous said...

15 out of 20.

Anonymous said...

15 of 20. Missed 4 of the first 5, missed one more in 6 to 10, and aced the rest. What's up with the vampire (#13)? Can't even tell if it's male or female!

Anonymous said...

Aww hell, I only got 9 out of 20 right. (Sigh) I guess that means I'll have to kill more people since if I can't trust my instincts they are obviously plotting behind my back.

AG Samurai

Anonymous said...

17 out of 20. I missed three in the first 7. My belief is that it's in the eyes. The eyes tend to wander just a bit when it's a real laugh/smile. I don't know why, maybe we're always looking around to see who else thought something was amusing too.

Anonymous said...

Agree it's something in the eyes. Quickness too.

Anonymous said...

You got 15 out of 20 correct.

Better than I thought I would do.

Anonymous said...


I'm witcha, Juice. 13 out of 20. I look at the eyes. I guess that's not the way you're supposed to do it....


Anonymous said...

14 of 20. I assumed most people were faking it. It means I don't trust people.

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