Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Knicker Picker - today's groin groan

Hey Everybody

I was asking Mike83 how he manages to keep all his girlfriends happy, and looking so fine (you have to be there).  I mean, when it comes to buying MoSup those "frillies," I'm at sea.  Size?  What's sexy?  I wind up buying the wrong thing everytime.  Mike was kind enough to share his secret.  He uses Knicker Picker, and now you can too.  And ladies, if your husband likes to wear your stuff, just pick a body style close to his, and surprise him for Fathers Day!


Anonymous said...

Lookedit all over, interesting. I can't locate the "take it off" button??

Anonymous said...

Yes, and there needs to be a "Jump Up & Down" button. I'm not sure how I'll get any work done today.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anonymous said...

If you'd like a "jump up and down" button, you'll like this place. You'll have to think up the commands yourself though. Here's one to get you started: "wax".


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I accidentally typed "trip." Try it.

Anonymous said...

Try "air bags" "seat belts" "exhaust" and "boot" For some reason they shake their heads at "injectors"

Jimmy don\'t play that

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