scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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I will insist on voting from the rooftops.
Can't I just eat my waffle and grits?
o v o'
As much as it killed me, I hit the Hillary button. She's so detested, zero chance of getting her socialist agenda passed.
Gummint at an impasse, doing nothing. Just the way I like 'em.
Obama elected, that 100-day honeymoon? Katey bar the door, because the borders are breached. Mebbe will be taking in boarders. Tho prolly not voters of Her Filthyness.
I'm doomed.
Four years ago, democrats were talking about moving to Canada-- not that they did...
Is there anywhere an unreconstructed, reprobate, far-right, ultra-conservative, rethugliKKKan, reich-wing, clinging-to-guns-and-religion person like me can go to avoid what'll become of us?
Unfortunately, of the three the hildabeast has the biggest balls of them all. I can't stand the bitch, but I believe she wouldn't flinch in dealing with our enemies. Obama is nothing less that a huge pussy.
I'd be afraid to do apoll between McCain and The Beast, that's how bad he is.
All free expression will become hate speech under Obama. And very quickly, too. There'll be no returning to even the shadow of a republic we have now. He's the greater danger by far.
I'm sure Hillary would love me, too. Talk about a forced choice! ......about like choosing between being badly constipated, and exploding in a big brown cloud.
I cannot BELIEVE the idiocy of people. All this Clinton-lovin going on here. Oh, I guess it's just Obama hatred.
Let me put it this way:
The house next door is empty. Who would you rather see move in?
A - A tree-hugging commie-loving leftie with a lot of weird ideas.
B - A thoroughly corrupt husband and wife team who will take over your neighborhood and run it for their own benefit, eviscerating every hope you ever had for yourself, your spouse, and your children. If you organize against them, they will turn your life into a living HELL ON EARTH, even importing gang members to terrorize you and rape your children, and then smirk when they wave at you in the morning. "Don't cross us! You'll pay! You'll wish you were never born." is the sum meaning of their entire lives. They will eventually run every aspect of your life.
The choice seems quite clear to me. We survived four years of Carter, we can survive four years of Obama IF McCain loses.
Wow. I honestly find myself unable to choose.
It's like, would you rather die:
a) Being tied to a giant spit and slowly roast to death over a searing fire.
b) Being tied up, covered with cheese wiz, and tossed into a pit full of starving rats.
A short way into the "which choice may be slightly less horrible" analysis, I have to decide that it doesn't matter; flip a coin and let me know. Sophistic rationalizations like "At least the fire might be cheery", or "Maybe rats are kind of cute" don't help, in my case.
- Icarus
it's worst an islamoloving than a commie-loving. And Carter supports Obama, it's not by chance
I think you understimate Obama, he is the worst
I would vote for McCain. His running mate would then become Vice-President and then succeed McCain in office under the 25th Amendment.