Sunday, May 25, 2008

Spike Lee v. Clint Eastwood

Gaming History

I'll be happy to entertain your nominee for the Hollywood director more racist than Spike Lee, but in the meanwhile he's the winner. Lee called Clint Eastwood a racist, claiming he"erased the role of black GIs from history."by excluding Blacks from his WWII films, "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima." Here's Eastwood in reply.

In an interview with Germany's Focus magazine, Eastwood said it was nonsense to suggest he had "erased the role of black GIs from history". He said there were no Afro-Americans in those films because there were no Afro-American soldiers involved.

"Does he know anything about American history?" Eastwood told Focus when asked about Lee's criticism. "The U.S. military was segregated til the Korean War, and the blacks in World War Two were totally segregated. The only black battalion on Iwo Jima was a small munitions supply unit that came to the beach.

"The story was about the men who raised the flag and we can't make them black if they were not there. So tell him: Why don't you go back and study your history and stop mouthing off!"

In possible defense of Mr. Lee, it could be that he learned his history from Prof. Leonard Jeffries at City College of New York, and therefore truly  believes no Caucasian has fought in any war since our founding, but simply took credit for Black achievement on battlefields from Saratoga to Desert Storm.  Oh, and the Moon, too.


Anonymous said...

The country could use a lot more people like Eastwood. That is, public figures who do not grovel; ones who do not quake in fear of famous people who happen to be members of protected classes.

Anonymous said...

"Space is one cold motherf**ker"....and deep too.

Anonymous said...

... and muddy at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

This just in,Eastwood is a liberal.

Anonymous said...

Proof that not all libs are big blithering idoits like Maxine Waters.

Anonymous said...

Eastwood is not a liberal - he's a libertarian.


Anonymous said...

On a sliding scale where 1 is ultra-conservative and 20 is ultra-liberal, where would you place Mr. Eastwood outlook on the big issues... military support and funding, gummint regulation of businesses - large corporations, energy and such, health care and immigration?

Myself, I dunno. I'm just askin.

My guess is that Clint is more conservative, libertarian leaning....whatever that might mean.

-Sven in Colorado

Anonymous said...

I'ze gonna be a libertarian one time but I couldn't git the hang of that dang Dewey Decimal System....Heck.

Anonymous said...

Sven, he supports Hillary, ah 20.I was a big Eastwood fan.

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