scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Actually, I don’t much care for where things are headed in this country today, or much of the rest of the world, for that matter. I don’t much like the music, the movies, the sports, the politics, the government, the religions, the schools . . . . .
In fact, I liked America better when the typical American was a little cocky but still able to back up his boasts,
When women had some meat on their bones and danced jitterbugs and boogie woogie
When “Made in America” meant something all over the damned world
When girls dressed like girls and boys didn’t wear earrings and ponytails
When you could understand the words to the songs on the radio
When basketball had layups and skill instead of slam dunks and tattoos
When desecrating the flag could endanger some really sensitive parts of your anatomy
When even the raciest movies still left something to the imagination
When common sense and good citizenship were more important than lawsuits and restraining orders
When baseball was the national sport and was fun to listen to
When calling somebody a bastard or sonofabitch was a grave insult
When cars were made of metal and a stop-light rear-ender didn’t mean total loss
When tennis required athleticism and finesse instead of 130mph serves and 3-shot points
When the private lives of presidents and senators were off limits to tabloids
When finding amphetamines or crack cocaine was damned near impossible
When schools stressed fundamentals before sensitivity training and multiculturalism
When sometimes you didn’t get to play because you just weren’t quite good enough
When steroids were something doctors considered for unresponsive patients
When lawyers considered truth and ethics as important as winning every case
When popular music didn’t actually damage your hearing
When you had to go to a burlesque theater to hear bathroom humor
When families ate at least 2 meals together almost every day
When a dad could take 2 kids to a ball game without taking out a second mortgage
When all you needed to set your car’s timing was a good ear and a crescent wrench
When laws and social rules applied to athletes and entertainers as well as John Q.
When O.J. would have been found guilty and Jerry Wright would have been tarred and feathered
When people knew where “We, the People” and “When in the Course of Human Events” are written
When Grandma and Grandpa could die with dignity in their own beds with their family near them
When treason and sedition were punished severely
When people didn’t overextend their debt limits on junk they didn’t really need
When no professional athlete’s contract was worth more than the GNP of Portugal
When coming to and living in America meant following the rules and obeying the laws
When nobody got upset if people said a prayer at commencement ceremonies or public hearings
When Social Security wasn’t taxed and the general fund wasn’t available for Congress to mess with
When only one language, English, was used in business, schools, and government
Yeah, I’m pretty tired of the bickering and the hard-headed refusal by high-level officials to understand why people can’t see things the way they’re “supposed” to. I’m tired of this election, and I’m tired of Clintons, and I’m tired of liberals who believe that the only reason Socialism hasn’t worked out quite right yet is that the proper people haven’t been in charge of it. I’m tired of politicians who believe the way to steady up the economy is to tax the middle class out of existence. And I’m tired of party-line votes in Congress for the sole purpose of stifling and frustrating the opposition despite how much benefit a bill would have to the entire populace. I am especially tired of idiots who fervently believe that an omniscient, omnipotent superbeing wants them to violently slaughter people for completely whimsical and petty reasons.
Boy, am I tired. Glad my house is paid off and I get Social Security with my two retirement incomes and my wife makes chump change plus her own Social Security so we can still afford $4/gallon gasoline and outrageous insurance costs and skyrocketing food prices and ever-increasing property taxes and runaway utility bills. Even more glad that I had the opportunity to live through all those whens, even for just a little while, ‘cause my grandchildren haven’t a ghost of a chance of living as well as my wife and I have. Where did it all go? Who was the dirty bastard that screwed it all up? Who stuck his hand 8 inches up the golden goose’s ass and ripped out the egg chute? JFK? LBJ? RFK? MLK? JEC? WJC?
I know. That's why we're gonna have to shoot everybody ET. Sigh.
That's a great cartoon Rodge .. may I ask where you found it (so I can go lift it)?
Mark in Arlington
Sure ... go here
ET, read all you wrote and appreciate the same. It burdens my mind and soul that at a mere 54yrs of age, I remember those things. Let's not forget prayer before snack time, fish on Fridays in the school cafeteria and pledging allegiance to the flag followed by singing a national song, like America the Beautiful, My County 'tis of Thee, The National Anthem. These things that our kids never experienced and will never know.
And yet, their public education in mainly based on today's Liberal/Anti-America influence.
I no longer trust any politicians as they are power hungry narcissists, willing to dishonor and be dishonored for whatever the means of the moment may be. I am honestly going to pray whether I should vote in the POTUS election 2008. McCain? The current "appearance" of lesser evil, still sticking Reps and Conservs in the eyes with that hot poker every time he opens his mouth.
Tired and weary
It's a sad list ET. EXCEPT for the tennis comment. I sat front row at this year's Australian Open through the semis and finals and these young man and women are superb athletes. It was a true joy to watch them play. I love the faster pace of the game since the introduction of graphite racquets. I have many DVDs of Wimbledon and US Open finals from the old days of wooden racquets and I enjoy today's game much more.
And as for playing, it's my favorite all time sport.
Obama will retain IL (duh). He'll lose AZ (duh). And he'll lose Ohio (Hillary could have won it). Interesting, FL may just go McCain, if this age factor keeps getting played up (obvious). To channel my inner Barrone here, CA may just be in play (Latinos, and anti-Latinos both will be voting McCain) as will NY (upstate).
In short, McCain beats Obama by a landslide. Dude!