Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Associated Press Idiocy

Associated Press Thuggery
Charging by the quart

Yes. that's our TUA


Anonymous said...

Do you think they charge more for their fiction or nonfiction works?

pdwalker said...

With the AP, I think there is no difference.

pdwalker said...

I mean, the don't actually distinguish between the two in their own "reporting".

pdwalker said...

I mean, the don't actually distinguish between the two in their own "reporting".

Anonymous said...

Well, I know TUA and thats not what she looks like.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sorry, but that is TUA's supplied ID pic.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even notice that she had posted it.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Next: Your own telly show TUA!

Anonymous said...

Rodge, don't mind Cuchieddie. He was only kidding. He lurves TUA and also loves to tease her.

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