Saturday, June 07, 2008

Barr the Doors, McCain is loose!

McCain's New Blog

I read that McCain had opened a new blog, so hurried over to unload in the comments.  There are no comments.  It's slow.  It's cheesy. It's sooo McCain.  Here's the most recent post, by The Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb.

Take a Chance on McCain

Attention disaffected Hillary supporters, John McCain is a huge ABBA fan. Seriously.

The hope of the free world is riding on the shoulders of a man who appeals to voters on the basis of being an  ABBA fan?  GAH! 

I watched Libertarian candidate Bob Barr on Glenn Beck's show last night.  While I think Barr is off the mark on Iraq (Clip IV in the link below), he is hugely intelligent, as articulate as Obama, but with substance, and he loves America .. the America we knew for almost 200 years. If Barr, and not John McCain,  was the Republican candidate, he wins 50 states. In short, he's everything John McCain is not.As it is, his candidacy puts Georgia and North Carolina, and maybe other Republican states into play for Obama.  I don't blame him either.  I blame McCain, who's nearly as dumb as Obama, but unlike Obama, McCain has a base he's shat upon so often that we hate his guts.

Here's The Beck Interview in 6 parts. McCain ought to watch it, and spend the rest of his time learning to imitate emerying in it, including delivery.


Anonymous said...

Q&A How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters? Answer: PALIN Veep!

Anonymous said...

Yes Ted, that will work. A name I don't even recognize. May as well put me on the ticket.

I'm of two minds. One says vote McCain because any other choice leads to disaster, but then I think the choice of McCain will lead us to disaster too, so why not let the rest of the party know that they can't keep their sinecures if they don't keep the conservative vote. I wouldn't feel bad about voting for Bob Barr, and putting the nitwits in power. Jimmy Carter elected Ronald Reagan.


Anonymous said...

I visualize this scenario: We all grit our teeth and vote McCain because he's promised to nominate strict constructionists to the SCOTUS. He nomiates a Souter or maybe Ginsberg and says that he kept his promise. Then he dies and leaves us with president Lieberman. Boy would we be idiots!

What other choice is there? Barr? Get out of Iraq now, don't threaten Iran? Face it, all we've got to go on is McCain's hoped for steadfastness in the war on Terror and whoever he chooses as VP. I hate to depend on that slender a reed.

Mangas Colorados

B....... said...


I’m torn between cussing out those who would teach me a "lesson" by staying home, and voting for Bob Barr myself. I may have to flip a quarter. It would be satisfying (in a way) if Barr got more votes than McCain, wouldn't it.

Anonymous said...

The only good reason for voting for Barr would to keep McCain from thinking he's got a mandate. Which he doesn't.

Watch the polls late October, then decide.

Sitting at home isn't a real option.

Thud said...

I think Palin would be a great choice...I'm british and I know who she is so I doubt that she is that unknown.

Anonymous said...

1) Barr is in favor of surrender in Iraq

2) He's a friend of the ACLU (link)

3) He's for open-borders and amnesty for invaders (link)

No go. Zombie Reagan still has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Sitting at home is NEVER an option.

No one can interpret your lack of a vote. Occam's Razor causes your lack of a vote to be written off as nothing more than apathy.

SHOW UP! VOTE! Write in the name of a candidate, and it can be anyone who is alive.

I will either vote for McCain or, as my protest vote, write in General David Petraeus. At this point McCain has not earned my vote.

But I won't stay home. I couldn't.


El Jefe said...

I'm writing in my vote:

John Bolton

Herr Blücher said...

Oh, Don't worry, mike. I'll be going to the polls. I'm still not certain whose name I should write in, though. Must it be of someone living?

Anonymous said...

First I was afraid that the media had given me my candidate.

Then I had a dream that he was Ted the swimmers best buddy

After that I suspected that he had no regard for my true conservative views, in lieu of attracting confused unionized hillary chaff.

Now I fester in the fear that no Ford F250 will have the fuel to run me over like road kill when this bill comes due. I can't face my God having been done in by a hybrid Focus with ABBA playing on the AM radio.

S. Fla Jarhed

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