skit with a black-faced white student portraying Barack Obama receiving
a lap dance has sparked claims of racial insensitivity and an
investigation at North Dakota State University.
The NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club and sorority Alpha Gamma Delta are at
the center of the controversy for a lip-sync act performed for 500
people at the Mr. NDSU Pageant.
People who attended the performance described what happened:
A pageant contestant from Saddle and Sirloin dressed as the woman from
the popular Internet video “I Got a Crush on Obama” and performed for
another student who was wearing dark makeup and an afro wig.
In the background, two male students dressed as cowboys simulated anal
sex while holding an Obama sign that one student ripped at the
conclusion of the 30-second performance.
Presidents of the sorority and the club for students interested in
animal agriculture publicly apologized at an NDSU town hall meeting
this week.
A complaint was filed stemming from the incident, and officials are
looking into whether either group violated the code of student conduct.
The controversy comes on the heels of a complaint filed against a
University of North Dakota sorority for a party where guests wore mock
Indian clothing and red face and body paint.
It also comes about a week before Democratic presidential candidate
Obama is scheduled to visit North Dakota to speak at the state
Democratic Convention.
More lapping and humping
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