Mfk'n banks |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Mfk'n banks |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Credit card companies have been giving cards to every Tom, Deshawn and Jose for years without much in the way of qualifications, and now defaults are eating them up. Expect a tightening of rules, additional fees like the BS that trapped the parking guy, lowering of credit limits and other underhanded stuff as they reap the whirlwind of credit default driven by rising energy prices.
As to Bank of America, I wrote them a letter when word came out about a year ago that they were sponsoring illegals, they did not reply, so I cancelled my account and credit card with them. Fuggem.
I'm with my credit union now and nobody else.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
My wife has been the treasurer for a small parochial school's parent teacher guild for the last 10 years. This organization's purpose in life is to conduct fund raisers to help supplement the budget at the school. When she took over the job the bank account was with Bank of America and had been for over 20 years. She didn't like it but it was too much hassle to change.
Last month she was balancing the accounts and noticed a $39 charge on the account from the bank. When she questioned it she was told it was a new monthly fee just to have the account with them.
She contacted the school and got permission to move the account to a different bank. When she went into the bank she found out that another $39 fee had been auto deducted from the account.
When she told the clerk why she wanted to close the account she contacted a manager who told her they would waive the fee and credit back the two charges. My wife thanked them and patiently waited while they credited back the $78 they had taken. Then she closed out the accounts and moved them to another bank.
When the bank official asked why she was moving the account anyway she told him - "Exodus 20:15 - Thou shall not steal" And she left.
LOL, good story.
Jeez, use a different card. They'll eventually do the math.
I will not be surprised to see B of A, Citibank wells fargo Et all buy up Super Pawn and Payday loan businesses.
Heck, proly already happening.
I worked for Bank One, the corporate types had less ethics than a sleazy pawn shop. You should have seen the big rush to get illegals to open bank accounts before the Anti terror bill was passed and ID requirements were tightened up...
Anonymous~ Great story, indeed!
I know someone who had a B of A credit line at special low-low rate. His payment was once two days late, so they raised his rate to a whopping 40%!!! Between the interest and penalty late fee, it cost $1800. Shortly thereafter he managed to pay it in full and cancel all accounts.
Arnt they the ones giving accounts to illeagals without SSNs? Should be 'Bank of Latin America'.
I knew B of A was gonna go sour when I saw that movie where Edward G.(Little Caeser) Robinson started it up.....
LOL, it was actually started as The Bank of Italy in San Francisco before the earthquake. They had cash to lend, and a glut of investment money from the East to rebuild, and from there came their success.
ALL of the major banks rushed to open accounts before the counsilar metricla (spell?) became obsolete. that is the ID of choice for wets.
When my folks died six years ago, one of the accts I had to close was a safe deposit box with BoA. When all the dust settled eight or so months later, I forwarded the bank the one of two box keys that I had, along with the $20 penalty for the missing key.
For the next FIVE YEARS I got a letter from them every three months about "the missing key and the $75 dollar penalty."
This went on until I used the good offices of an ex-military friend in Tampa who was able to go to the house of the manager in question and explain the situation. It was the perfect example of St. Heinlein's that, "An armed society is a polite society." There have been no problems since then, but it is obvious that BoA only understands naked force.
For rather obvious reasons, this time I'm entering this post as 'anon.'