Friday, July 11, 2008

Radioactive News

Radioactive News

I learned from Limbo yesterday that in the immediate aftermath of Jackson's open mike gaffe - that he wants to cut Obama's nuts off -  the collective media, while trying to cover for Jackson, did not once identify what it was that he said.  Several years ago I pretty much gave up on political conversation with friends for that reason. 

At the time, the internet was scarcely used for getting news, but as regular participant in Free Republic, I was steeped in it.  I found that it made little matter when I cited details of various Clinton goings-on, because the other guy hadn't heard a thing about it on Dan Rather, nor read about it in the Baltimore Sun, so would dismiss my factual statements out of hand.  Dialog was impossible, and ended with me calling someone a farking-retard, and being given the finger in return.

That's pretty much where we are today, with liberals all curled up in ubiquitous drive-by-media and nut-root news wombs, seeing us as right-wing crazies who make stuff up and smear nice people like the Obamassiah.  In that respect we  do speak different languages, and adhere to different versions of  "truth," which are ingredients in the recipe for civil war. If so, that blood will be on our media.

Here's some one-stop media nut slumming

CNN Re-airs Two Year Old Glowing Look at Jackson, No Mention of ‘Hymietown’

Thursday Funnies: You Can't Say 'Nuts' on Television

Jackson's Obama Comments: Should Fox Have Broadcast Them?

CBS’s Smith ‘Sad’ Over Jackson's Comments

Liberal Hypocrisy: Jackson's Nuttiness Funny If About Cheney

ABC Tries to Understand Jackson's 'Colorful,' 'Cut His Nuts Off' Obama Remark

Mixed Nuts: Tracking Media Coverage of Jackson's Slur


Anonymous said...

Come, come, now. Picking on “The Reverend” Jackson, Sharpton (excuse me while I turn my head and gag), or Wright just isn’t right . . . just isn’t done, you know, in polite circles. Why? Well, for one thing, they’re not white, so it’s not right. You can’t attack those poor, unfortunate, victimized people who have suffered for so long under the oppressor’s yoke of double standards in the land of the so-called free.

Did I say double standards? Yes, because it’s wrong for Fox to do it, or flyover states to do it, or conservative talk-show jocks to do it, but we have to cut liberals a break, Obama a break, Jackson a break. I mean, after all . . . fair is fair, and it’s just not fair to make fun of literate African-Americans simply because they have tiny little lapses a la Sharpton or Jackson or Obama.

So grow up . . . and knock it off, you big racist bullies.

Thud said...

Run Jesse run!

Anonymous said...

"Two Americas"



Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes, two Americas. And I want to beat the s**t out of the bad one.

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