scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Naught time naught is naught. Carry the one . . . .
Like me, I think your zeros are off. It would come out to $3,500.00 per person.
But, by the time it's over, with taxes, penalties and interest, each of us would end up owing the federal government $4,812.50 -- more or less.
Math ain't quite right. Try $3,500 each. But still, that's more than three times the George W. Bush "Tax Rebate" (of which I got NOTHING).
700 billion divided by 200 million actually equals 3500 dollars, but keep those ideas coming!
T. J. Birkenmeier does arithmetic like Congress and the Libtards; $700,000,000,000/200,000,000 = $3,500, not $2.8 million.
RKOF, are you messin' with us?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
My error was in working backwards - or forward, from T. J. Birkenmeier's per person amount. Thanks. Is my face red.
It's still enough to fill a hotel room with donuts and whores.
Donuts and Whores! I'm snorting here. What a great name for a blog!
"Donus and Whores"
because really, nothing else matters.
yer killing me here boss.
This might be a better idea: a three-part plan to cut out the middle man. 1, Don't nobody pay no more d-mn taxes: we keep our money where it belongs. 2, Sturdy and dependably armed citizens march on Washington, intent on "change" like they never thought of. 3, We give them politicians a choice: keep screwing with our money and die on Pensylvania Avenue, or pack up and get out with your hides. Except for Alcee Hastings, Ted Kennedy, and about four hundred others, who we tar, feather, and ride out of the district on sturdy rails, just as an example to the others. It just might work!
Your plan makes every American an accessory to embezzlement... on top of being the original victim.
What are you... some kind'a Democrat?
Sure, sounds good to give everyone $3-5,000.
....until bread costs $10/loaf, gas and milk costs $15/gallon and every other product on the market goes up 50%.
You don't REALLY think prices would stay the same do you?????
"Donuts and Whores! I'm snorting here. What a great name for a blog!"
I agree; I know a couple of cops that would fit right in with that.