Monday, September 01, 2008

Or, Barack Williams

NBC Just Getting Started
NBC's Brien Obama

Citing a Media Research study that shows NBC News with the most lopsided pro-Obama coverage (which is saying something), Bill O'Reilly speculates on what's coming from the Peacock. 
(Open) “Hi, I’m Brian Williams. Thank you for joining us tonight. Before we get to our lineup this evening, I should tell you that I am wearing the same kind of suit Sen. Obama had on yesterday, and I like it very much. The fabric is soft and has an air of authority. I want to thank the senator for his good taste.

“Our first story tonight is from Andrea Mitchell, who has learned that Sen. Obama is, indeed, related to Moses. NBC has discovered the wicker basket in which Moses floated down the Nile River before being rescued by the pharaoh’s wife. We can tell you tonight that DNA traces found in that basket match Barack Obama! Incredible.

“Also ahead, NBC News correspondent Lee Cowan is traveling with Sen. Obama and reports that he is a really big tipper and his teeth are perfect.

“Continuing with our election coverage, Chuck Todd will analyze exactly how Michelle Obama came to be so smart. And good looking. By the way, my wife has a dress very similar to the one Mrs. Obama wore on stage in Denver. She likes it a lot.

“After Chuck files his report, Maria Menounos has an exclusive story on how the Rev. Wright has undergone a radica ... continued


Anonymous said...

Put some Dumbo ears on him, then it's perfect.
Lt. Col. Gen. tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The ONLY change I made was Obama's hair and ears. Uncanny resemblance.

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