"Mom was ignorant yesterday, and still is today" |
Daily Kos Fun |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"Mom was ignorant yesterday, and still is today" |
Daily Kos Fun |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
"...but what are we to infer from this lesson?"
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree? ;-)
I infer... B.S.
No matter how hard you twist your mothers nipple, Obama is still a muslim?
Mmmm, mobylicious!
I was beginning to think that I am the only person in the world who sees the utter absurdity of the She-Has-No-Experience meme. True, she doesn't have as much experience as I would like, but she has infinitely more experience than Obama. They uniformly refuse to see the hypocrisy of the argument.
Then I discovered that it has become a major tenant in their religion. It was proclaimed in the Sacred Talking Points handed down from the Holy See at the DNC and thus is unquestionable, infallible and above reason.
Thanks, Tokyo Kos. I'm sure the Republicans are shaking in their boots. It must just burn these people up that they found a better version of Obama with a clean record.
What I can't understand is why so many people on the right are repeating it instead of giving it the horselaugh it so richly deserves.
As a Jew I call this Kosfuks' post a complete fabrication. News sites are filled with comments from shmucks who call themselves former Republicans. Former Republicans don't have their won pages at Kos, and old Jewish women don't give a crap or not if Sarah Palin is from Alaska or lacks experience.
She has 5 kids, looks nice, did well in life and speaks well. That's all they're going to notice. And, only in a cartoon version of Judaism does someone end a thought with "Oy Vey". That's what you say Before you make your point.
Kosfuks really are the worst.
she has twelve years more executive experience than everyone else running combined! No experience my ass. Nice try Kos Kommies but you can't make it stick; there are the debates you know. Even Obama cannot run from teh debates for ever. I bet he continues to try to weasel ou tof them because he is an empty suit. Has has no experience as a Senator much lass as an executive.
Lefties; just because you beleive anything anyone says doesn't mean every one else too.
Complete BS. No different than when a "seminar caller" calls in to Rush, and the first thing they say is "I've been a life-long Republican, but now that Bush is in office I will for the first time vote Democrat..."
South Fla Jews voting for McCain? Only in an alternate universe.
And another thing - no one refers to that part of Florida as "Southern Florida"
Here in Florida you have North Florida, Central Florida, and South Florida. If you're up near Pensacola you're in the Panhandle.
Being in Pensacola (and the Panhandle), I concur with Ken.
And if these preening fecktards want to keep harping on "experience," or the lack thereof, maybe they could give a couple of good reasons that John Bolton wouldn't be the most "experienced" candidate for prez...EVAR!!1! Their attempts to propagandize for BarryNaif are transparent and ironic, given that dood's dearth of "experience" in anything except securing dirty money for himself and his commie bitch of a wife.
These sonsabitches have a judgment day coming. I think they'll simply spontaneously combust after d-d-duhBama and his butt pirate Biden lose the race.
hahahaha! Never happen.
Ken, you're absolutely right. I've lived in and about Broward and Miami-Dade for 25 years and there ain't no such place as Southern Florida.
Being a nice Jewish girl and all, I have yet to meet one single solitary Jewish person who will admit to voting for Obama, no matter what the age group.
I just want to feel her brains.
(Sarah's, not the make believe Jewish mother's)