Rove answered a Chris Wallace question (okay, you've been specific
about some of the lies in Obama's ads, so to be fair
what about McCain?) with a non-specific "well some of his don't pass
the 100% truth test." You can read the relevant transcript
at Politico. Obamanites, desperate to stop their campaign's
arterial bleeding, saw a "Gotcha" moment, and the e-mails (and text
messages, of course) were flying withing minutes.
Rove countered "Of course, they fail to say anything about the fact I said they were even more misleading," but when you're dealing with that mentality, who cares about the details? Katie Couric needs sound bites baby!
Who do they hope to persuade with this? If you're among the
"undecided" at this point, you're hardly going to know who Karl Rove
is. Hell, you can't name your own congressperson. Complaining that the other guy is running a "dirty
campaign," is so trite an election season charge that nobody, save the
loons, will pay attention. It's one of those Obama kerfluffle in a teacup things.