Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today's "B Movie" Script

 Pretend this is Frank Capra's sequel to "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," which is to say, a battle of honest America versus corruption.  In Capra's day, federal judges would prolly not have been involved in this deal, because if a state wants to elect corrupt officials, that's their business. But, what the hell, those days are gone, thanks to Al Gore and a Democratic party so utterly corrupt that the Marines might well be needed to stop their attack on American democracy. 

Sec. State Jennifer "STD" Brunner
   Ohio's Sec. State Jennifer "STD" Brunner interpreted existing Ohio law that allowed use of absentee ballots without reason to mean voters could register to vote and vote at the same time.   The Obama campaign, in league with ACORN, went nuts, which resulted in  numerous charges of  falsified registrations being filed. Freddie Johnson being a prime example.

ACORN and Freddie Johnson
Freddie Johson   [Freddie Johnson] told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.

"Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

"The ACORN people are everywhere, looking to sign people up. I tell them I am already registered. The girl said, 'You are?' I say, 'Yup,' and then they say, 'Can you just sign up again?' " he said. [Read]

U.S. Judge George C. Smith

U.S. Judge George C. Smith ordered Sec. State Brunner to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The order was in response to a Republican lawsuit unrelated to the ACORN probe in Cuyahoga County, in which at least three people, including Johnson, have been subpoenaed. Jennifer

Judges Canker Blossom, and Hussein X
Jennifer Last night, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, 2-1, (majority not identified, so I'm using stand-ins) vacated Smith's ruling saying Brunner is not required to provide county elections boards with the names of voters whose personal information does not match state motor-vehicle or federal Social Security records, as ordered Thursday by U.S. District Court Judge George C. Smith of Columbus. Jennifer

Judge Richard Allen Griffen
Jennifer Judge Richard Allen Griffen accused the panel majority of both (1) an “astounding and deeply disturbing” “lack of concern for the integrity of the electoral process” and (2) a failure to follow the Sixth Circuit’s own internal procedures by releasing its decision before the full appeals court could rule on the matter. It is possible that the full Sixth Circuit will still do so, as a request for that action remains pending. 

 During the primary season the Obama camp paid Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors.

Now, answer honestly.  Are you throwing  Milk Duds at the screen and booing?  I thought so.


Anonymous said...

Ha hah, Jennifer "STD rotgut" Brunner. I hear that name a lot on our local NPR station. Pretty sure never yet again will I hear it without wanting a 2-dollar whore and a bottle of Kentucky vodka.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Kentucky vodka! I love it (Wild Irish Rose wine is what she's drinking, also known as "bum wine" to the tyro).

Anonymous said...

throwing Milk Duds at the screen and booing
Pulling the reloading lever faster here Boss. huff puff huff puff huff puff.....
(secret word 'umogfa' - is that one of Uhbama's brothers?

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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