Friday, October 24, 2008

Alan Colmes v. Jeri Thompson

Today's Bitch Slappin
Alan Colmes
Two things come to mind after watching this video. 
  1. Where the hell was Jeri Thompson (Fred's wife) during his abortive attempt at the nomination?  She's great!
  2. Whoops.  I already knew that Alan Colmes is an untalented low-brow, whose mission in life is to play Gabby Hayes to whomever he debates, Jeri Thompson in this instance.  What an utter tool.

And finally!  Ladies, (and men who can do falsetto), a chance to dance with Sarah Palin
tomorrow, so to speak.

This Saturday, October 25 from 11AM - 1PM EST, Team Sarah will be calling one million women voters in battleground states and invite them to participate in a live, free tele-townhall over the phone. You will be able to ask questions and get answers from a panel of distinguished women leaders. This has never been done before! Imagine one million women voters on one phone call!

You can't miss out. If you would like to be included on the call (even if you aren't in a battleground state), sign up to be a member of Team Sarah and make sure to fill in your phone number in the profile section. We will keep your phone number private and will only use it for this.


Anonymous said...

I agree, where was she? Fred was my guy-oh well-froze my ass off in Iowa.

The most simple rebuttal after Jeri's excellent point about image mattering is that Sarah got those clothes because she didn't have any of that crap to begin with. Sheeesh. Plus the clothes are not hers, it's not a gift or a perk. You know HRC has a closet full of those odious pantsuits, probably free too.

Anonymous said...

One million women on a phone at one time? OMFG I already have a headache....

Anonymous said...

He is NOT a tool. I have lots of tools. I like tools.

Chuck from Tacoma said...

Those un-godly pants suits that HRC wears are designed for her by some Beverly Hills designer, having a value of something like $6300.00 each and there is a crapload of them.
The designer indicated that they were free as she considered it an honor (and good advertising) to have provided them for a presidential candidate.

Gothguy said...

Can he be anymore weasel like??

My apologizes to weasels.

Anonymous said...

Alan Colmes' name came up in a discussion with an old, old, friend today. I mentioned the fact that I never watched H&C because I couldn't suffer Colmes.

My friend said he has been telling his wife and now, me, that Alan Colmes was a paid actor whose role is designed to make us hate liberal democrats. He mentioned that Colmes is paid 7 mil a year to star on H&C and probably makes more than Hannity on the H&C show.

He said to watch and see how many times Colmes outright twists the facts and pushes all the hot buttons to upset conservatives so we will hate liberal democrats. He says Colmes is a fine actor and is playing his role to perfection.

Now I maybe beginning to see that Colmes may be a hero. I said Maybe!!!!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Listen to his radio show some time and see what you think. He's 10 times worse.

Anonymous said...

Chuck from Tacoma: No, those santpoots do not have a VALUE of $6300. It is what some damned fool would pay for them. It is the same thing as with houses in California. "That house is worth one million dollars!" Worth a million to whom? It may sell for that, but is it worth it?

John Cleece put it well in an episode of Fawlty Towers: there are some who would wear a gold-plated dog turd on a chain if they were told it was fashionable to do so.

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