Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kill Joe the Plumber

Grasping and Gasping
Grab Something!

Jannie Wearing Fool alerted me to this typically cute stunt from the gangster left.  Some idiot on Huff and Puff --   well here:

Evidence Free Blogging: HuffPo Sleuth Links Joe the Plumber to Charles Keating

It's all too good to be true, therefore it is. Newfound celebrity Joe Wurzelbacher happens to share the last name of a man involved in the Keating 5 scandal, and this genius connects the dots.
I failed to recognize the threat one honest dissent poses to the left.  Joe the Plumber is not the guy they wanted him to be, something discernible with even a modicum of sleuthing, or maybe asking him?  Makes no never mind, as we know.  All the left needs is an accusation that's repeated in print (by anyone) and it becomes truth with more lives than a cat.

Today we have Andrew Sullivan, Daily Kos and Huffington Post, three of the leading blogs on the left, printing wild accusations, all meant to destroy a guy who happened to be approached by Barack Obama for a photo op.
Like I always say.  Filthy.


Anonymous said...

Looking to me like Joe the Plumber just cleared another drain. With his natural-born Roto Rooter.

Anonymous said...

Carl Rove you magnificent bastard . . Who else would have the "horsepower" to have "Joe/Keating" in his front yard playing football at the exact moment that the messiah decided to suddenly stop and do some door to door campaigning. What a man, What a machine.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Horry Clap - a rare 1 AM giggle here

Anonymous said...

with apologies to Bill Cosby:

"Its hard to get a grab on the porcelain when you are floating around in a circle."

AnnoyedOne said...

That pic reminds me of this

A Moral Dilemma of EPIC proportions

Anonymous said...

Did you do that PS Rodger?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes Ma'am

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