Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama - Illegal Alien?

 # Amazingly, this is the first televised news story I've seen - and I've been looking - about the federal lawsuit challenging Barack Obama's citizenship qualification to be president.  Found via Cao.


Anonymous said...


I wrote him and he actually wrote me back:

Quoting "Dr. Hardcrab" :

How about a commercial on national TV challenging Obama to produce a valid one?? You do that and I will spread the word to donate....

Hi Dr. Hardcrab,

You have a great idea, however, the expense involved is astrinomical and unfortunately, I do not have the resources Mr. Obama has.

Thank you for your email.



Rodger the Real King of France said...

Local Cable TV advertising is a real untapped resource. Just did a Google, and found this on Yahoo.

" An individual commercial might be as little as $10, but you'll do a lot more than that -- and you have to produce a commercial."

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