Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Mocks Joe the Plumber

Obama Mocks Joe The Plumber
And working America alomg the way
O  How very stupid  of him. Keep it up, Barry..


Anonymous said...

What a f*cking putz! Joe the plumber would make a better politician than "dear leader". I hope this asshole loses by a huge margin. I hope it's Nixon vs. Mcgovern all over again. I was only 12 when that happened and I was deleriously ecstatic!

Anonymous said...

What an asshole

Cuzzin R

Juice said...

What Cuzzin R states.
SNOB was the exact word that popped into my mind when I saw that photo over at Drudge this morning. You know, sitting next to that Cardinal. That Obewan is one empty, cold SOB.

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