Friday, October 17, 2008

Let's Play Stump the Obama Supporter

Gov. Paterson Stumped
One can only guess what causes  Chris Matthews to periodically act like a real television journalist.  Like when he challenged Kirk Watson  to name a single legislative accomplishment Obama could point to, and he couldn't. He just did it again, and challenged New York Gov. David Paterson in similar fashion, with the same result. These people are so much fun


Anonymous said...

I think it happens when his leg stops tingling.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

... which causes sudden, but temporary, pangs of conscience.

Army of Dad said...

Well you don't see that very often.

Maybe he saw some of the same inflated poll numbers and figured he could ask a tough question?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rodge...
What are the large "g" and "h" and other letters that show up on occasion? This is probably a cultural detail I should know.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I take it your browser does't read "font-family: Mini Pics Classic;"

Anonymous said...

Not for $40, no.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hell, you don't have to own it to see it. Anyone else having trouble seeing the dingbats?

Anonymous said...

I just see the big letters also....

Anonymous said...

Problems over here too boss. Just letters.

Anonymous said...

IE 7, and those letters have intrigued me for weeks. Just figured you for playing head games, Rodg ;)

Anonymous said...

All I see are letters and I'm running Firefox 3.0.3

Anonymous said...

Just letters on the iPhone...

10ksnooker said...

At this time, his legs were tingling for Hillary ...

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