Monday, November 17, 2008

Alan Keyes Sues Obama - Birth

Keyes Sues The Him



Juice said...

These are the only two news outlets I found to have anything regarding this "news". All else bloggers.

MSM pushed this phony through, and any of this fact will be swept away as well. And Cali? We've got a governor who would love to see this non-natural born *citizen* set a precedent for his own personal future. Citizenship is the latest erosion to our Constitutional longevity.
We be the phuked.

Anonymous said...

So what could be on the 'long form' that would cause an uproar? Is there a spot for religion? Father = "Unknown?"

Sven said...

I am reminded of the bumper stickers on older, fire-breathing, mud slung, half-painted, 4WD American trucks:

Git in, sit down, shut up and hold on...Its gonna be a helluva ride!

To which I would add:

Reload and fire at will!"

Damnation, I am fed up with being muzzled by the dominant liberal media, my congress and most of the so called leaders of the so called "Republican" party.

LOL....and there is always the hormone driven part that sez...." If you got big tits....

That, however, is no longer necessary!

LargeBill said...

Since Keyes is much darker than Obama is is doubly racist for anyone to come back and attack him over this issue?

Heck if it is racist to question his crappy policy positions then it is even more so to question Ambassador Keyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say I voted for Keyes, twice (not in the same election, of course...)

That man is a patriot, and nobody can question his love for America. There is no comparison between them; Obama isn't fit to shine Keyes' shoes.


Anonymous said...

Your a good man Jack! But hell, you already new that.

Anonymous said...

Keys is a bit of a nutjob but I still like him. A lot of what he says makes tons of sense, then he'll go off on some tangent that makes me wonder if needs medication.

I read the suit and it's very plain and clear. I will watch this with great interest and dread. If The One is denied the presidency for legal reasons, this country will explode. That, and Biden gets the job. Not sure which is worse.


Anonymous said...

Biden gets the job.
AWM, If and until Uhbama is sworn as president, Biden has no standing if Uhbama goes. Election was won under a cloud of fraud, so second place gets the win and the office. Once Uhbama is sworn, I dunno.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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