I'm intrigued by criteria Obama-Rama-Elect applies when selecting military appointments?
Even more, I wonder about angst the chosen should experience while weighing whether to serve this president. A man who has promised to cut our missile defense, and defund development of future combat systems?
Not to mention his promise to yank us out of Iraq, and play footsy with
the likes of his Iranian soul mate? I have jumbled
On the one hand, I don't trust any field grade officer, present
or erstwhile, who trucks with the democrat party. There is
absolutely no way to reconcile patriotism and honor with left-wing
political activism. Period. On the other hand, it's crucial that
congressional democrats not succeed in driving our best military men,
and women, out of service to their country. While I think it was
a huge mistake, in the lomg term, to eliminate the military draft, I
see efforts to reinstate it by the likes of Charles Rangel, as
infiltration. And while I would view it as a dreadful event, I
can nevertheless think of a scenario where a military takeover of a
putrid gummint would be preferable to not. And so could you.