Monday, November 03, 2008

Marsden-RKOF Polls

McCain-Palin 309 Obama-Biden 229.

Texas Darlin' is certainly a worker bee. I've been fascinated by the PUMA campaign to elect McCain, because as hard core, high profile Hillary supporters, they know their way around alleys and side streets I've never heard of, and would prolly hesitate to venture into.  This most recent boost deals with the number of PUMAs it will take to win enough battleground states electoral votes to forestall a communist takeover.

The P.U.M.A. Factor.

Paul Marston, an elections expert, is staking his 45-year reputation on a public prediction that McCain-Palin will win, based on an analysis that assumes the major pollsters are ignoring the PUMA Factor.

At 2pm ET Monday, Paul Marston made his latest prediction:

Ohio, Virginia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania have edged back up slightly, but are still below the average from two days ago. North Carolina is now a tie and RCP now shows it for McCain-Palin on the no toss up map. The big news is that Florida has come down drastically from 4.2 to 2.5 and is bound to go for McCain-Palin. The stunning news is that Minnesota is coming on like gangbusters. The kind of movement would indicate that Minnesota is quite likely to go for McCain. I will up my prediction from a 42 to a 52 electoral votes margin pending further data.

Marston’s blog is fascinating. Read it all at Marston Chronicles.

  I don't know who Paul Marston is, so I did some snooping.  AJStrata [The Strata-Sphere] also picked up on it, and 'splains things good.

For example, Paul Marston shows Ohio needs to see 103,788 PUMA voters for McCain-Palin to win. Let’s put some error bars on that and say it is +/- 20%, which gives a conservative estimate of 124,456. Now I have no idea if Mr. Marston's calculations are correct - none. I am not vouching for his math.

Now let’s look at this year’s Democrat Primary in Ohio and see how many people voted for Hillary - and we find it is 1,207,806. 10% of this number is 120,780, which is about how much Mr. Marston claims can put McCain over the top. OK, that seems like it might be in the ballpark because Obama lost Ohio pretty badly to Mrs Clinton.

Interestingly enough - the Marston prediction exactly replicates the Barn Army Poll
I released on Saturday.  Marston has his record of success; I have mine.  I am able to go grocery shopping with MoSup, and at the check-out she'll ask, "How much will this come to," and I'll answer within $5, and sometimes dead-on.  So, that's that.  McCain wins.  I'm going out to buy some bullets.


AnnoyedOne said...

Oh dear. I think my first thought, if published, would lead directly to jail ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's why people go into academia

Chuck from Tacoma said...

Who's Birthday?
Yippeee, I love birthdays.
Huh?.....Ohhhh... Really?
Sorry, wrong blog.
Did not mean any disrespect Rodger.
Just a confused old man I guess.
Sorry to you to Sondra, if you're lurking.
I'll shut up now boss.

Anonymous said...

He may be wishing he spoke true: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”

Anonymous said...

I would like to be drilling south of Alaska right now


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