Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama House

Barack Obama inauguration tickets touted for $40,000 
Plus Tax


Anonymous said...

Wish I could wake up from this nightmare.
While the fools and criminals celebrate, I will go into mourning and pray for the rest of us to figure out how to save our country from this Liberal plague of locusts.

Interesting; magic word = pestocy, a good name for Uhbama style of governance.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I know just how you feel, Tailgunner dick*, I feel the same way. Then I remember that I felt the same way when Clintoon was elected and we more or less survived that.

*Why isn't "dick" capitalized?

Anonymous said...

That picture could easily be labeled racist - I can already hear the liberals spluttering and screaming, but who cares? They'll do that in any case. It's still hilarious.

Anonymous said...

$40,000? I'm in for two. Those would be Zimbabwean dollars, no?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't "dick" capitalized?

GC - My messed up left little finger has trouble holding down the 'shift' key and I drop caps often.
The first time I screwed up my courage and commented on Rodger's blog a few years ago, I entered my name that way, and I figured why not, it's a little different, leave it. The Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner part is a rank The Magnificent Schlong, The Real King of France, Protector Of The Faith, Purveyor of Pecksniff, Properupper of Patriots, Supporter Of The Terrapin & Photoshopper Hilarious, bestowed on me a while back when I suggested a way to carry more beer on the B-52.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Had me there, Lt. Co. Gen. Tailgunner. All this time I thought you were also a detective.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Look, the theme is, or was meant to be, a 60's Hippie takeover of the White House. The 3 white idiots on acid completed that vision. If I wanted it to be racist I'd have used Ted Danson in Black face.

rockville said...

Rodger doesn't have a racist bone in his body. Not that I've seen.

Contrast that with this. I hope you can grasp the difference.

AnnoyedOne said...

Um Rodger, why would New Zealand Maori's be at Obama' inauguration?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Because Balack was born in New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it'll look a lot like the bar scene from Star Wars.


Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, I wasn't accusing Rodger of being racist. I've been reading him too long to make that mistake. I was saying that any liberal, who all are uniformly humorless sourpusses, would start yelling racism upon seeing that uproariously funny picture.

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