Friday, January 16, 2009


Clucking Hens Meet a Grown-up Human
Where's Your Compassion?
I'll offer this as a prime example of why it's impossible to change today's liberal culture, not that you need more examples.  Feel-good trumps hard fact every time with these people.  I make no apology for pressing the NUKE THEM ALL TO HELL NOW button. And here I was hoping for a day without doing that, but it's for a better world.


Spunky Texan said...


Anonymous said...

Who needs facts when busy sounding important and playing to the crowd? Duh?


Anonymous said...

Glad you cleared that up for me. I saw part of the clip on "the internets" the other day and thought it was some new remake of King Kong with 3 gorillas and still one Fay Wray, but this time Fay was armed.

Anonymous said...

I can think of no better example of the necessity for bitch slapping.

Anonymous said...

I find their mindless yammering, soulcrushing. Wake me for the revolution.


Anonymous said...

The reason we lock up the firearms before we open the liqour cabinet.

I expect to see their heads on pikes come the above mentioned revolution.


Anonymous said...

5 against 1 plus an audience-apparently-full of morons. Sheesh. And she still kicked their asses. They ignored, discounted or were condescending about her facts. "A few nuggets of truth" Asshats.

People that slam Ann, on our side yet, should realize that she is one of few conservatives that does not back down, does not apologize, does not retreat.

While there are several dozen, very prominent liberal flame throwers ala Obermann, they get praised for speaking "truth to power" WTF that is, Ann gets hammered for standing up for us.

It's an obligation to me to buy her books.

Anonymous said...

In Ann's name, can't we all do this out of common courtesy?.....BARACK █████ OBAMA

Army of Dad said...

I tried to find out what they were saying, but stopped it after about 11 seconds-the voices just grate on my nerves.

Anonymous said...

Huh, Women, can't live, historically speaking....

Shouldn't have let them vote - prohabition.

Shouldn't have let them drive - station wagons

Shouldn't have let them speak until spoken to - The View

OK, ya gotta give the Muslims this one. At least Muslim politics doesn't come down to a contest of the best looking candidate. (OK, only historically speaking based on the female vote over the last 40 or so years). Yes I know he's dreamy.

closed said...

Anon: restrict the vote to veterans and honorably retired cops / state militiamen.

End of problem.

Anonymous said...

Chickens have there heads cut off, then cooked and served with Coulters famous chicken sauce.

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