Tuesday, February 03, 2009

It was prolly political harassment anyway


I don't think anyone here would do this, but if someone else finds themselves Denver Booted, they may want to bitchslap gummint  for messing everything up, and just take it off.  Here's one way, according to a guy who did it.
Removing the boot without tools or damage is actually a very simple matter. Simply let out about half of the air from the "booted" tired. Once you let the air out the prong that holds the boot in place can be slid past the tire, exposing the hubcap. I had initially intended to change the tire but I found that after sliding the clamp off the front of the tire the rest of the boot was only hooked into the wheel from the rear. I got behind the wheel of the car, started it and drove it a few inches forward and the torque of the wheel immediately popped the boot completely off. How to Remove a Parking Boot 


Anonymous said...

After removing the boot, steal it.

Or not.

Parking and 'drinking and driving' laws are almost the only ones that make sense.

Anonymous said...

The ones I've seen are clamped on the rim. I guess I don't see what tire inflation has to do with it.

The real solution for serious parking scofflaws is to own your own boot and ticket book. Meter maids prolly wouldn't bother if your car appears to be already booted.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

closed said...

Or just don't live in a large city.

Juice said...

Our son living in S.F. finds great humor in seeing these booted cars around the city. As he puts it, "You've got a car parked in a no parking zone, so instead of towing it away, they put a boot on. Now they're stuck there forever!" HA!

Bureaucrats. They don't get elected for nothing, eh?

Anonymous said...

I think Homer Simpson did this once.

My guess is that it doesn't work but a lot of people will try it.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col., reminds me of going to a show once. Our driver parked illegally, next to someone who had already been ticketed. Said driver took other guy's ticket, put it on his windshield. Problem solved.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Alear, you paid my rent!

Anonymous said...

Alear - driver took other guy's ticket, put it on his windshield. Problem solved.
Why we win!! USA UAS USA!!!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

pdwalker said...

...always, always! educational.

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