I've done some searching on impeached federal judge, now Rep. Alcee Hasting's (D FL) National Emergency Centers Establishment Act ( HR 645) ,
and here's what I found. Hastings has no cosponsors yet for
this law which would, among other things, mandate the building of at
least one camp in each FEMA district, to be used as "FEMA feels necessary." So far, it only serves as
validation for fears that our gummint sees a need for detainment
camps. Since Obama happens to be president now, the
Grathwohl video fits in. Despite his protestations to the
there is no person Obama had more association with during his Chicago
years than William Ayers. FEMA is a bad president's nuggie
stick. Bad people need to be watched
rigorously, and there are very bad people.
RBO has some level headed treatment of 645.