Thursday, February 05, 2009

Play baby

Obama in the White House
An Apt Metaphor


Anonymous said...

I think we have to continue to challenge his citizenship.

c. umulus n. imbusi

Anonymous said...

Yeah, send him back where he came from....Huh?...No,no,not the kid...........Verification: SUBKOOL ? Dang, I didn't think comment was THAT bad.

Anonymous said...

RE Proposed Armed Citizen demonstration:During a recent discussion regarding the Million Man March idee...questions and objections of various sorts were voiced: "they'll know who we are, etc." Sooooooo...,


The answer is' yes' to those regards to the possibilities of ADVERSE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY ATTENTION TO EACH OF US PARTICIPATING in such an activity. Politics is like that, anymore.

It's going to take a cross between Gandhi, King, the Tea party and the organizational skills of those twittering 'puter nerds in coffeehouses, who face-booked our butts to the political dumper.

Someone once responded to me on this subject at a blog worth reading

saying indignantly that THEY weren't going to "risk going to jail or drawing attention to themselves."

HUNH!!!! Sure, an ya can stay home, fondling that 1500$ home defense weapon, swearing to go out in a blaze of glory -- enjoying y'r fantasy while OTHER folks get a nightstick to the head, Or instead, as is much more likely, folks cough up gun money and trudge to Wash for a disciplined, well-planned demo. They are assisted in getting there by the largest voluntary co-op effort this country has ever seen.

That's right: CO-OP: Planned and designated route assistance, emergency road help, temporarily being a hostel for strangers whom you will host, and every other means that millions of everyday gun owners can get a REAL million pairs of boots on the ground in the Mall, at O's front door.

And BTW, make it a real Million-plus, too. No question of the numbers for a Network to fudge with.

Can't do it? Don't wanna? Too many problems? It involves personal risk and financial commitment? Well, get those objections out in the open so that solutions can be developed and distributed. But, I no longer have a whole lot of sympathy for a gun owning community that's gonna sit on it's personal stockpile and whine about 'them' coming.

Yeah, the Redcoats ARE coming. And that's not a paranoid fantasy: just take the personal trouble to look into the Auntie orgs, and the end goal is NO civilian arms, worldwide. Earthly Paradise and the Salvation of the Ignorant Masses demands such a solution; just read the literature. The question is that the 'Concord bridge' is a whole continent away for a lot of us, and the solution is NOT in picking off Redcoats and getting rousted by bayonets in the night.

The solution is to have ten support people for every traveler, and every traveler to be trained in non-violent confrontation and Media management. Don't give the AxxHoxx's a handle. Instead, handle them with overwhelming numbers of super-citizen patriots doing their duty as it was done in 1776, with 21st Century Revolutionary techniques. To produce revolution today, one co-opts the successful methods of the oppressors, and uses them for one's own purposes

Can we all say:"Internet", now?

So, say ten million support people are 'out there' in the states along predetermined travel routes, providing support, food, housing, turnpike rest stop coffee, first aid, and handling as a unified force necessary to land the numbers necessary to flood DC at one specific time, maintain them there, and get them home safely. Say that the media handling and interaction is firmly in place and drilled like a mean DI was in charge. Say that the event is a who's who of all Americans who firmly are against being food for Morlocks. Say that all goes down?

Do you think anything short of full police state tactics and Stalinist informers is going to do squat? And if that that atrocity is committed? Do you think it can bottled and spun IF we are transparent, have nothing to hide, are not afraid to be counted as ourselves and are willing to DEFY, in very significant en masse numbers, the status quo of the Auntie orgs? Are we willing to Go Up That Hill, until even the weasels of media feel shame at OUR heroic sacrifice to insure OUR own rights?

We talk revolution, and resistance, and cold daid hands. All well, good and fine Nineteenth Century courage. The kind of personal courage that we respect and admire, and work to incorporate in our own lives. But this ain't the Nineteenth Century [more's the pity, in some aspects]. As a movement, as a party, as a UNION we need to take the weapons of the political marketplace and hoist the opposition with it's own petard.

There. That's all I've got to say on the subject. If any of it ever comes to organizational fruition, and the political inertia of the great body of gunowners can be overcome and mobilized, then you'll know something came of it.


rough draft No 1,
Committee of the Revolution,
submitted by John the Red,
at the West End of Lake Erie

some PS's:

1. Feel free to copy and send this down y'r own list.

2. as well: now owns a blog site.,

He badly needs puter savvy help. Skip has stepped out the crowd and said, "Me. I'll do it.". Please contact him, if for nothing else than to start developing a mailing list.

3. I'm looking for updated addresses, names and locations for the recipients and former recipients of this list. That includes the old,, and other places I've hung my hat. It has been fun, but the numbers have become unwieldy to continue an undifferentiated broadcast. The social whirl has been nice for the past decade, and I appreciate and value the fine people with whom I have had correspondence.

Now, I'm looking for politically minded folk. If you wish to be on what is now named upon this very instant, the 'otsbalist', then kindly send a reply to that effect.

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