Saturday, March 07, 2009

Amnesty Travesty

The Amnesty Bill a "Piece of  S#@%!
Rep. John Boenher




Anonymous said...

If we can't stop it, it will be the end of the America.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It ended the day Obama and the Democrats grabbed the reins.

Anonymous said...

No. I don't believe that.

In the days leading up the 2008 election, I admit, I was insufferable. The Queen of Doom and Gloom. No matter who won, I viewed it as a bad thing.

And it is bad, really really bad. And we haven't gotten through the first 100 days yet.

It's bad for us, and we expected it to be bad. But there is a good part. As bad as it is for us, OMG! It's even bad for them! Them that voted for him! Them that wanted him! Them that loved him!

I'll tell you a little something that I think is important. You can make of it what you will, but I think it's important.

Last week, when the Dow tanked 300 points in one day, Obama did something incredible.

He chose that day, of all days, to make public certain confidential, secret Bush memos from 2001 that authorized warrantless search and seizure, that said constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure would not apply to terror suspects in the U.S., as long as the president or another high official authorized the action.

Another memo showed that, within two weeks of Sept. 11, Bush was contemplating ways to use wiretaps without getting warrants. That memo also said Bush could treat terrorist suspects in the United States like an invading foreign army.

Then Obama sent Holder out for a press conference to say that in the past decade the fight against terrorist has been opposition to "our tradition of civil liberties."

oooooo. The moonbats should have been foaming at the mouth and jumping for joy. And you know what? No one gave a shit about Bush stealing anyone's civil liberties. No one, not even code pinko, or moveon or anyone else. They were too busy freakin' out about Obama killing the stock market.

You know Obama released those memos to distract everyone's attention from the Dow. Prosecuting Bush is his ace in hole distraction from whatever bad shit he does. and obama just learned it ain't gonna work.

Congress thinks they can do what they want. America doesn't want amnesty for illegals, Bush learned that lesson at the end of his term. It's not a republican issue, dems don't want it either.

The 100 days and even Whoopie Goldberg has buyer's remorse. Even Andrew Sullivan.

This could be just icing on the cake.

Mid-term elections can't come soon enough. I pray won't be too late.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Boner! Boner! Boner!

Anonymous said...

If this goes through, the Conservatives will lose power for the rest of this nations history.

Anonymous said...

Is it waaaaaay too much to hope that he'll be forced to resign by Congress in order to save their sorry butts from the people's wrath?

Annoyed White Male

Anonymous said...

I just looked this up. This is from 2007?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Gold star for you Josh ... RICKEY!!

closed said...

So ... when do conservative individuals stop bitching and moaning, and seize the reins?

Don't ask your local precinct committee for help, they want you to go away so they can play petty influence peddler.

Get a copy of your state party charter/rules, and remove these goons who claim to represent you.

Anonymous said...

I hope I didn't come off as an ass. I just looked it up because I hadn't heard about Boehner saying it. Either now, or in 2007, actually.

The fact remains, this is what these people want. They want to dramatically change the political, moral and social fabric of these United States. Republicans are fascists, racists, nazi's and on down the lines.

Yeah ok.

John Gotti used to say he had to take a lot of his thugs money as 'kickup' because he 'had to keep them hungry'.

The Democrats have successfully kept their constituents hungry, and are currently working on starving the working class, too.

Welcome to Hope and Change. It's called the Gotti style of politics. The party who lets fly words like fascist, nazi and racist, are sure fine with using Hispanics for the sole purpose of keeping power.

There's what, 12 million illegals? Something like 60% of hispanics align themselves with the democratic party. That's 8.4 million people suddenly added to the voter rolls. All in the name of creating a one party system, ensuring they're never bothered by things like, opposition or anything, ever again.

So, using 12 million people of one primary race to claim and keep control of the United States government. Fascist? Racist? Not when Democrats do it. It's 'progress.'

There's going to be a point of no return, where things can't and wont be righted out Democratically. I don't feel like it's all far off.

Unknown said...

No need to look it up. Just read the news ticker underneath to see where they are talking about gasoline being at it's highest.....$3.21 a gallon.

That's what makes it old.

This was the bill that was killed.

Anonymous said...


I do think it will get worse before it gets better. Yet I also think that those that voted for O-stink-a will suffer far worse than those of us that did not vote for BO.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I was going to yank this, but the comments gave me strength. Not that I need any more, mind you. USA!

Anonymous said...

Heya Anony:

"Yet I also think that those that voted for O-stink-a will suffer far worse than those of us that did not vote for BO."

I do believe you're spot on with that observation.

Scottiebill said...

The only thing worse than having a big economic problem is Congress and it's willing puppet, Kommissar Zero, deciding they have the answer.

Speaking of the economic problem, the present-day definition of liquidity is when you look at your investments and wet your pants.

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