Thursday, April 30, 2009

Liberal Bible Subsidized

Subsidizing Religion?

TG Blog, expounding on the Administration's plan to bail-out the bankrupt left-wing press.  If this isn't a case of government subsidizing a religion, what is? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read where John "effing" Kerry was going to introduce a plan to bail out the dead tree "news" business as a public service. Figures. He has to pay for all their 'lip service'... meant in the a**kissingest of ways...
Thank God [yes I used the G word] a few in OH saw past the tripe. Y'all got ennee fishin' licenses? "Do you have some cheddar for that sammich?[Philly]"
Sorry to go off, but I spent more time on station in one deployment than he did his whole 'military' career. I cannot express my distaste and loathing.

Just figures he'd be the one to be lookin' for Fed $$ to bail out his pet paper.

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