Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lionel -AirHead

Lionel philosophizes on the importance of life.
... and yours

This guy Lionel's
Lionel Air Head
radio show was recently added to the most spectacularly unsuccessful network in US history.  Air America.  That's really an unfairly perjorative intro to his Huff Post article What Would You Not Do to Stop a Nuke?,  but what the hell.

The Hypothesis

Assume, arguendo, this hypothetical.

It is Inauguration day. President Obama is about to be sworn is as 44. Virtually everyone in federal office is there. Congressmen, Senators, the Supremes, the new cabinet. Get the picture? You, a federal law enforcement type, have in your custody a man who you reasonably believe knows where a nuclear device is to be detonated nearby. Remember, this isn't just any old nuclear device threat. If this baby is detonated, virtually every aspect and player of and in our government will be vaporized. The device will be detonated within the hour. There's no time to evacuate, no place to run. Any warning will be futile and just inspire mayhem and chaos.

Now, the question. What would you not do to locate that nuclear device?

Horry clap Lionel, way to skew the results!  For our purposes let's assume, arguendo, that the target location is your house. M-kay?

Let's get a few things straight.
Now, let's be axiomatic, shall we? Torture is bad. It's un-American and violates our values and the provisions of the Geneva Conventions. And when you consider that torture was essentially okayed on Bush's watch by his henchmen, especially that snarling Cerberus, Mr. Potter, big Dick Cheney, I mean, it's certainly enough to enrage you. When I think of John Yoo, advocating torture's praxis, parsing what is and isn't torture (organ failure?), I want to waterboard him myself. Why is it that the biggest advocates of war and torture appear to be the biggest wimps.

Well, I reckon his axioms are acceptable if the audience is a pack of Liberal canker-blossoms, and it is. But what's that "... biggest advocates of war [are] the biggest wimps" deal?  Let's not get too carried away with the hyperbole, Lionel.  He  continues blah-blah-blah until finally concluding --

As my Hell's Kitchen buddy says, "All's I'm saying is what if it worked?" I don't think it does. Listen to me, there I go again. The expert. No, I intuitively believe that as actual experts have noted, it doesn't work, [ahem] the results are not trustworthy, it violates international law and tells the world that we haven't a leg to stand on (there's a torture pun somewhere) in complaining when a downed or captured American serviceman is tortured.

Lionel of course is full of liberal crap, and I don't for a minute believe that if his ass was on the line he'd scream bloody murder over any methodology that led to stopping the detonation of a nuke.  But, what if I'm wrong?  So, let me repeat his question this way. What would you not do to Lionel if he was protecting the terrorist from being interrogated about the location of that nuclear device?" 


Chuck Martel said...

I thought some of the comments were very illuminating.

"[N]o, not even to save my own family would I torture. I would be unable to face them if I were that willing to give up my own principles."

I'm glad I'm not related to that guy.

Anonymous said...

Well, as long as I was not anywhere near the blast, and it was going to take out the congress, president his cabinet and the supremes.

I would go have a beer....


Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly wouldn't torture Lionel. Oh no, that would be wrong. Especially since he obviously doesn't know anything - anything at all. Besides, torturing him would waste precious time that should be spent getting information out of the terrorist. I'd just put a bullet in Lionel's head the moment he opened his malodorous mouth.

OTOH, we have to look at what is at stake. We are talking, after all, about the lives of Obama and his entire administration, all the leaders of Congress, the Supreme Court Justices, and about a million O-bots which are all in emanate danger. We would have an obligation to do a full investigation and get all the facts. That would take, oh, at least an hour.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any problem here .Sort of self correcting..

Anonymous said...

Would chipping in for gas money be wrong?

Anonymous said...

Lemme see (holds up moistened finger)
Yup, I'm upwind from DC.
That hypothetical nuke wouldn't do as much damage to the country as Uhbama & Co. I'll give a medal to Mr. Terrorist and we'll both have a beer.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

wait, uhh, your saying, heh, that all the assclowns in government right now, both parties of pantywastes, haha, are gonne get 72 virgins, heh, ...hold on its hard to type with this hard on in the way, and im sitting with the genious who figured how to do this?
well i think a cigar would be appropriate, after we of course tortured mr lionel for trying to spoil the show.

Anonymous said...

would save us quite a bit of gas money for the b52.

TimO said...

Every time someone spews this "it doesn't work" crap, respond back: "OK fine... then let us try it on YOU!"

Bet you good paycheck money that we can get anything we want out of THEM...

Anonymous said...

I am a giving kind of guy. Gave my whole life in service to my fellow citizens. I would find out where the device was and touch it off myself, just to spare my children and grandchildren from what is coming down the pike and to rid the world of some scumbags.


Flyfish said...

Most of the people who oppose these techniques want to be able to say, “I don’t want my nation doing this, which is a purely honorable position, and they didn’t work anyway.”

That back half of the sentence? Isn’t true.


"The honorable position has to be, “Even though those techniques work, I don’t want you to do that.”

That takes courage—the other sentence doesn’t."

--Former CIA Director, General Michael Hayden

Unlike our Cynic Hayden probably actually knows something he didn't have to google about it.

Oh so 'cynically' yours from the great state of Maine with a hat tip to KISP..

Anonymous said...

Trick question.
Why would I do anything to locate the nuclear device?
The people of America are less than one hour from receiving their Republic back as a gift from some muslim terrorist or deranged lefty One Worlder.
Why screw up a beautiful plan?
And, since this is a "WHAT IF", I assume that I (as the Federal agent) and the Evildoer I am questioning are sitting in a safe location someplace on the west coast, or maybe Hawaii or Alaska. I will schedule his waterboarding to start tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Right at 7:20 you see all of congress vaporized.

closed said...


If they had a whole hour, the Prez, congresscritters, SCOTUS, and all of the political appointees would be gone and flown to whatever the location of the new government bunker is.

It would suck to be a DC resident, or one of the peons, however.

Hopefullym they would at least chain the assclown with the nuke data to a rail in the Whitehouse, and give him a radio in case he wants to blab in time, and live.

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