scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Shit Rog, who needs to feel old? I want to feel young. Please post one of Snarlin' Arlin's chemo pics.
9 wrong. Blegh.
44 years got me 19 correct answers (I thought women suntanned to look like they were wearing stockings during the war.)
SFAOV Sgsaur
Hah. 17/20. Old as dirt but young enough to know it.
16 correct and I was born in the 70's. It's either a testament to my awesome knowledge of 40s/50s popular culture, or a reflection of my upbringing in a very small midwestern town. We even had a mimeograph machine (just one) in grade school in the 80's.
I don't think the answer to #6 is correct. The Nash Metropolitan was the car that looked the same coming and going.
Google it.
18/20.....Studebakers and Tuckers were both odd! We had Ford! ~ Cars, Truck and Tractor!
Dad was a B-24 Liberator pilot...manufactured by Ford affiliates, of course we drove Ford!
I'm with Anonymous 4:47
The first post war Studes, like all other cars, looked very much like the pre-war models. The Nash Metropoiltan came along a little later, and at a glance, you could easily imagine the thing going in either direction. Thanks to Frank, who terrified me in that thing many years ago.
That aside, 19/20 makes me older than dirt.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Of course Anonymous is right again about the the Nash Metro. I scored 20/20!
I lost my glass's and can't find my teeth.
Aced it!
17 correct and only 35 years old.
got 'em all. i'm 56...
I missed 2. I was too damn naive in my youth to know about gettin' high on memeograph ink. I sure didn't pay any attention to womens hose. LOL.
I just saw a Tucker in person for the first time. Cool car.
Anyway, that was fun and my grand kid is laughing at me.
If I recall correctly, that 'leg painting' technique, used by women during WWII,was to paint a seam line op the full length of the back of the leg, to look like silk (nylon) stockings. ...20/20...I'm 70
Got 'em all, including number 19, none of the proffered answers to which are correct. "Cabdriver" was done by the Mills Brothers, one of the great harmony groups ever.
Time for my laxative.
18/20 and I'm only 39... until July.
- 1911Man
Older than dirt! Missed one about the car that looked the same front and back. My first choice was Studebaker but since I owned a '51, I thought "no way" and chose the Nash.
I got most of 'em, didn't bother checking the answers, was caught up in remembrance of the mimo fluid. Prolly why I got on the school newspaper, and later got a degree in chemistry.
Uhh, what? Turing word seningos, you say? Ok, does it come with solvent?
My better half and I took the test. Assuming #6 is "wrong" and it is the Nash vice the Stude, then I aced it and "The Admiral" got 2 off the mark (she didn't remember a lot of it as she is but a petite flower, somewhere in the neighborhood of her 40's).
Now if we could just get smokes, beer, magazines, and soda at the same prices we got them back then...that would be something.
Guy S.
19/20. I feel like I'm still 19 -- at least emotionally. Guys never really grow up. Just get some old farts together with a 12-pack & you'll see.
20/20.....I AM a God....
And with a postscript....Sorry I've been gone for so long...lifez a bitch...and then u die....
The XB-70 is in the hangar with the MK17's loaded and...thanks to the new GPS/GoogErth Updat...ready to roll at your command Sir....
The Top Ten Times When Saying 'Fuck' Was Appropriate
1. "Scattered fucking showers, my ass!" Noah, 4314 BC
2. "How the fuck did you work that out?" Pythagoras, 126 BC
3. "You want what on the fucking ceiling?" Michelangelo, 1566
4. "Fuck, was it one light or two?" Paul Revere, 1775
5. "Where the fuck did all this water come from?" Titanic Captain, 1916
6. "It does so fucking look like her!" Picasso, 1926
7. "Where the fuck are we?" Amelia Earhart, 1937
8. "Any fucking idiot could understand that." Albert Einstein, 1940
9. "What the fuck was that?" Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945
10. "C'mon, who the fuck's going to find out?" Bill Clinton, 1995
My apologies for being derelict from duty for so long.....
19/20 missed Howdy Doody princes name. Thought The Mills Brothers made Cabdriver a hit.
20 for 20, and yes, the Studebaker is correct.
Exner's concepts were spread through a line of models like the 1950 Studebaker Champion Starlight coupe. The new trunk design prompted a running joke that one could not tell if the car was coming or going.
You guys are mucking forons.
The male model in the ad picture is a Jeffrey Dahmer lookalike.
21. Who left his Harp in Sand Crabs Disco