Sean Hannity interviews Dick Cheney on the
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sean Hannity interviews Dick Cheney on the
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"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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WARNING: The following comments require an active Geek Gene to achieve maximum benefit.
What you see displayed as the result of a Google search is from the pages being referenced and is not being inserted by Google itself. The linking phrase is either a page Title or a Headline within the page. The text displayed is also contained within the pages and is not added by Google. For example, "Obama Spokesman Crushes Sean Hannity" is the title given to the video clip on that youtube page. I am certain that if Google didn't maintain editorial neutrality, they would rapidly slide from their position atop the heap. Having to rely solely on msn would set keyword search back at least 50 years, Yahoo! maybe only 10.
DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation with Google except as a paying customer. -- Skyhawker Doug
Ummm, I went through SERE school in the 1980s and was required to undergo "waterboarding" (we didn't have a nifty, headline-worthy name for it then) among other things.
When do I get my reparations? :)
I didn't mean to insinuate that Google was writing headlines. I do state factually that Google allows groups like and Kos to manipulate the placement of nearly everything. How is it that a simple query (hannity) would yield that cluster? And this is not an isolated case. "Google News" nearly anything, and you'll get the most leftist sources lined up one after another.
During the election if you Googled Sarah Palin, the first screen would be filled with perjorative clap-trap issued by the Obama Soros camp. They are able to do this by manipulating Google's scoring criteria, something that Google will slap a lock on if any conservatives attempted to duplicate. Trust me, PhD theses will be written on this manipulation of the body politic.
Google has maintained its position because it offers a terrific product, but I assure you that a good many of us see in Google a clear and present danger to what's left of our Republic. Added to the stifling stranglehold the MSM have on information, it's impossible to get an alternative viewpoint out except via talk radio, which is why the left is targeting it.
I see Google as an information-age Anti-Christ. Don't get me started.
I've been wondering when a pilot or aircrew or other would speak up about being waterboarded. Oh you poor dears. I hope you have moved on with your life. Or the shattered shell thats left of it. (violin begins to play in the background). Ooh Rah.
Don't forget to burn a tire for earth day.
Anon @ 2:06 - Bless you for reminding me about that.
I've got 2 old tractor tires (The Big ones on the rear) and a huge pile of tree limbs, old fence, etc to torch them off with. Just can't decide whether to burn it in the daytime for the smoke effect or at night for the flames ..... Decisions, decisions.
First of all, Cheney is another neocon coward without the cojones to actually serve in the military. Like 99% of the Bush White House, Dick wasn't willing to spend any time actually carrying a gun for the US, but was more than willing to send other people's children into the woodchipper.
But to sit there and imply that when Obama shakes hands with a foreign leader, America looks weak? That's a very immature look at politics - somewhere on the level of a sixth-grader on the playground. After all, no president has ever acted even the slightest bit friendly with anybody but an ally, right?
Incidentally, apparently you missed it, but the recently declassified memos showed, among other things, that the C.I.A. used waterboarding 183 times in March 2003 against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
183 times. In one month. That's, what, 60 times a day? So it isn't torture, they just enjoyed it?
For that matter, Abu Zubaida was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002. And what have we gotten for reducing ourselves to the level of a minor-league dictator, and simulating drowning on a man three times a day? Nothing. We got no actionable intelligence out of it. Nada.
As for Hannity and Google, two points.
One: Google counts the web pages that the most people link to. So it isn't Google that's liberal, it's the American people. (Yeah, you can googlebomb a page, but the right can do that as well as the left.) Your argument is flaccid and impotent.
Two: Hannity's a twit. He tries to claim that Obama's running down America by carefully truncating his video clips. I'll let Howard Kurtz explain:
Fox's Sean Hannity played a bite from that speech. Let's take a look at that.
OBAMA: There have been times where America's shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
HANNITY: And the liberal tradition of blame America first, well, that's still alive.
KURTZ: But in the very next sentence, the president of the United States said, "But in Europe, there is also an anti-Americanism that can be casual but can also be insidious."
And Sean Hannity's entitled to any opinion he wants. If he wants to criticize Obama for talking about American arrogance, that is fine. But he didn't play the second part of the sound bite, and I thought that was not quite fair."Not quite fair." Kind of a tame description for a complete misrepresentation of Obama's message, but that's OK. After all, Hannity's just being fair and balanced, right?
I attended SERE in Southern California in late 1974 as part of my training for aircrew status. I was waterboarded twice during a 12 hour period. It sucked. They also bounced us off fake walls, slapped us, sleep deprived us, stripped us naked and ran cold water over us in 30 degree weather. that sucked too. What else would you like to know?
IMHO waterboarding is a pretty tame torture. It left no long lasting physical or mental damage. that I'm aware of :-)
Oh my, I bet you really got your joint tied in a knot over the Abu Ghraib fraternity pranks, wot?
Tell you what ... name for me the Hawaiian hospital Obama was born in, and I'll make you "Man of the Week," even if you're a girl. If you can't, why should I recognize him as the President? And why the hell do you?
And BTW, do you know the difference between avoiding the draft and evading the draft? Neither did Bill Clinton, or you, evidently.
Nameless Cynic, How about Obama's military service?He seems to be sending troops into the woodchipper Nameless moonbat.How about Joe the idiot Biden, what's Plugs military background? I mean other than the shit he makes up about flying star fighters in space against Klingon's.
Obama's whole cabinet is a bunch of tax cheating lairs with zero experience in the military , All your crap is right out of the moonbat book.Next time try and be original.
OK, so, random Anonymous poster (I'll move backwards - I'm flexible like that), gee, I dunno. The difference might be that none of Obama's cabinet is trying to claim that we need to randomly attack a sovereign nation. Could that be it?
Rodger - Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii. Which, incidentally, is in the United States of America (just so you know). And, by the way, "avoiding" was what Clinton did. "Evading" was what Bush did. (I'm not sure what to call it when you claim an ass-pimple, like Rush did.)
Flyfish - I was AF Security Forces. I worked nukes for 15 of my 21 years. I did SERE in Fairchild (which, incidentally, gave me a chance to go with my LT to Pre-Ranger in Benning. I made it, he didn't). I also set up a Terrorist Response Force in Cheyenne. But everything they did in SERE training IS torture. That's the point of the exercise, isn't it? Try not to be an idiot.
Oh, and incidentally, try not to compare a few weeks of micro-hell to an extended, unending period with no hope of rescue, where you can be drowned 3 times a day for no reason. It's a different level of torture entirely.
Any other questions?
Good morning Nameless Cynic....First of all let me concede that you are far more a military man than me as I only served 6 months in the National Guard and one hitch in the USN.I'll also concede that you know far more than I do regarding torture methods. You are also undoubtedly way more fearless, educated, and naive than me.Fearless enough to be unpersuaded that there are still, as there have been since before recorded history, evil men and nations who will kill you, kill your family,kill your fellow citizens, and who may potentially have the tools nowadays to make your country uninhabitable.Not facing this fact makes you fearless or at least ignorant of reality.As to the Iraq war, I believe we were justified and you don't. Neither of us are going to change our viewpoint...End of conversation on that topic.......I perceive you to be well educated.You are a very good speaker (writer) and I'll wager that the bulk of what you say cannot be disputed.As for the rest of your pronouncements, as with so much that the Left and the MSM have packed down our gullets for 50 years and more, I see the familiar phrases and keywords that always appear in the words of the 'blame USA first' apostles....I believe that the USA is a good country, a generous country, and a just country and you and your ilk don't, and again, I'll not be changing my mind and seriously doubt that you will...End of discussion on that topic.....I see you as naive and ignorant of history. I don't mean of the book learning of history necessarily, but of absorbing any useful lessons from it.Of course I mean absorbing the lessons of preserving our way of life and our freedom. Perhaps you and your Left associates have absorbed what you think you need to change this country into your ideal, which is...what? The USSR? Some other Valhala? I'm not sure you people even know what you want this country to become as long as you can just "change" (destroy) it....I'll never understand what caused your type to hate this country so much since in my eyes most of you that loathe this country most, have enjoyed all of the opportunities for success, and material gratification.......Well. I guess for the rest of BHO's term, we can watch while you and your cohorts cheer while he continues to perform outrages and destruction on the country. Anything less would be too mind bending to believe.
Dear Nameless SERE expert. I agree that much of what they did was "torture". It was just plain awful. I broke a f'ing nail. The latte was cold and quite tasteless. And all of it was harmless. But you knew that didn't you?
On re-reading your post Nameless one I've decided you are lying. A few weeks of SERE? LOL I don't think so. The problem with people like you is you get so carried away with the dialog you're making up you always blow it. Perhaps you should run back to KOS or Huffpo and see if they believe you.
Cynic, is it possible youre just a pussy? Hairforce security and all, never heard of one of you being in our SERE schools. I know that on your side of killerville a lumpy mattress is against the Geneva Convintion. So a wooden chair would be torture to you boys. Just thinking this might be a matter of perspective. How's the quiche today?
Semper Fi
Thanks, Flyfish. I appreciate you coming forward to show that you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. What do you think SERE training is? A Master's course?
SERE as we're currently running it is a 3-week course (it sucks, and there's only so many ways you can prepare yourself - you have to learn to embrace the suck and move on). It stands for Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. It's a basic course for most aircrew - I think some branches have a one-week minicourse built into other schools, but I don't know anything about that.
What do you think they do? A semester on Getting Hit 101, a couple of seminars on Eating Local Fauna, with an advanced add-on in Snakes and Bugs 101? It isn't even the standard eight-week course they like to put together.
So, yeah. Sit back down, kid. You're just making a fool of yourself.
JMcD - I realize I don't fit into your simple world of dirty hippies vs. clean-cut businessmen, but why do you think that I hate a country that I gave 21 years of my life to? I was enlisted - it's not like I did it for the money.
Fearless? I only did two tours in the Middle East before I got out. Nobody is "fearless" unless they don't know what they're getting into (or they're insane, I guess). You just learn to overcome your fear and do what needs to be done.
Yes, there are bad people out there. But you're the one that brought up "history," so let's look at where the bad people were. We invaded Iraq, where there was a big bad leader and his two evil sons; we blew it up, mistreated the people, and made them hate us. Now there's a whole country of people who want to kill us. Feel free to explain to me where that was a good plan.
I see that the USA is a "good country, a generous country, and a just country," but I also see where evil men can use scare tactics to frighten far too many people into believing that the only way to protect our way of life is to give up everything we believe in. So now we have to steer America back to a moral course, build up our defenses, and let this stand as an object lesson.
Oh, here's some more history. Our Founding Fathers risked "our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor." Look at those last two words for a minute. Try to figure out what they mean: I'm pretty sure that "torturing prisoners" doesn't fit into that definition.
(And by the way, if you're going to try to claim that you understand history, you probably shouldn't suggest that me and my "ilk" want to turn the USA into "the USSR (or) some other Valhala." Look it up - it'll be easier if you spell it correctly, with three L's - one in the front, two in the back. Valhalla didn't have anything to do with Communism, Capitalism, or any other -ism. It's the Viking version of 72 virgins, only with mead.)
Hey Cynic, it's a free country, feel as you wish. Just don't get so huffy when someone throws the bullshit flag on your ass.
On the upside this does qualify you to be a Dixie Chick.
(Wow. I hit a nerve here.)
OK, random anonymous guy, how is it I'm huffy? Just curious. Annoying, yes. I'd accept that. But huffy?
And which "bullshit flag"? Because I point out that the SERE courses have changed since his 2-day seminar 35 years ago?
Never did like the Dixie Chicks much, but how am I like them? Millionaire's who've been justified? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they don't sell out concerts.
OK, plowboy. Somehow I expected some rectocranial knuckledragger to try and start shouting that "the AF is a bunch of candy-asses!" But "Hairforce"? Where did that come from?
Oh, and Semper Fi yourself. My son just graduated Pendleton.
Graduated Pendleton? Maybe MCRD San Diego? Try again.
Actually Cynic, I meant 'fearless' as in a lack of fear, a trait an insane person or a fool might display......After reading your blog it is obvious that you are a scholar of religion (Jesus liked pork chops),a hater of anyone to the Right of Karl Marx,an atheist who is also a hater of people of religion (some of us atheists manage to NOT be anti-religionists), and possibly bi-sexual or gay.I say that because you seem to have a facination with homosexuality, defending homosexuality, penises and badmouthing Christians.(and that's OK..freedom of speech and all).....Oh..Thanks for the spelling enlightenment...Feel free to continue making those and any grammer corrections as you see fit.
Hey Cynic, is it true the Air Force band is playing this years Lilith Fair? Thats the last place the Chicks have sold out, being shunned from Country Music, but I doubt you'd know much about that. Ew, except that youre a flaming liberal fake and know everything about everything.
Don't cry, in a couple of months your folks up on the hill will pass hate crimes legislation and it will be a felony for a Marine to be in anything less than in awe of the likes of you. Until then, YOU don't Semper Fi ME quiche-eater.
In anticipation of more startling revelations from nameless skeptic, I've moved him to a new cell!
Dang you plowboy, you stole my thunder. It's those security force faggots what got us the basic M16, cause you know, girls can shoot 'em too.
PS I never did graduate from Pendleton. Nobody gave me the word.
Cynic I know exactly what SERE is, as I said before I attended it as an aircrew trainee in the USN. However I did some checking with my USAF buddies, all graduates of USAF SERE training and they tell me that they think, as I do, that you're lying. SERE, a 35 day course in the USAF, is not offered to security guards, only aircrew due to the expense of the TDY assignment. Further the USAF version of SERE does not include several weeks of torture as you insinuated in your first response.
I also find it difficult to believe that a mere USAF security guard was so elite that he was sent the the US Army's "pre-ranger" training. I guess the USAF sent you because they knew you'd need it to establish cred for your bright future as an internet troll?
Despite the fact that I believe you're a bona-fide-liar, embellishing your tale as you go, I also find it amusing that you attacked me for beliefs you attribute to me, that I've never stated; That being my position on the use of torture, including waterboarding on captured enemy war criminals like KSM. You'll note that I deliberately avoid the term POW, since there hasn't been a single legitimate POW captured since Saddam's army surrendered. Unlike you I don't believe that we should criminalize political policy differences since I'm able to extrapolate from history that every country that has done so, fell shortly after.
Let your arrogant, condescending line of crap continue. I'm enjoying the show.
Nameless Cynic, your just another far left liar walking the free streets of the internet with a big butt load of semen.If your such a hotshot killer SF type, show yourself with a real name and place.
I would personally like to meet this "Hardy Boy"!I've met many like you, Real SEAL's, and SF hand you your ass.Get out of your parents basement, take your left hand off your pud and get a job.
Well, just to be different, I'll start with the last comment since I posted. (Damn, don't you people have job?)
Anonymous - you're right. MCRD San Diego. Wrote about it here. And then to Pendleton. Sorry that I screwed up a little detail that makes very little difference in anybody's life.
JMcD - Damn. How much can you get wrong in one paragraph?
Let's see: I'm not a "scholar of religion," I've just reread the bible a few times lately; there are people who devote their whole lives to it - it's just a hobby for me.
I don't really hate anyone, regardless of their politics; as a matter of fact, at my first base in the mid-80's, I listened to Rush Limbaugh, back before he went national. (I've just grown up a little since then.)
I'm not an atheist, I'm agnostic; it's a subtle difference, but important to some people.
I'm happily heterosexual - in fact, I've been married to the same woman for about 22 years now. What throws you off the track here is probably the fact that I'm not a raging homophobe; in fact, I don't have any problems with gays at all. I just don't happen to be one. But I do have a big problem with hypocrites, and so I've pointed out some of the logical and scholarly errors made by you homophobes. Which is probably where you got confused.
A "fascination" with penises? Well, I've got one, but I can't say I'm fascinated by them. I did one blog about circumcision (it was in the news). Hey, you guys are the ones who start calling yourself "teabaggers," not me. I can't help but make fun of crap like that.
And I wasn't badmouthing all Christians, just the stupid ones who never looked at their own texts. I can't hate all Christians; one of my sisters is a minister, for Christ's sake.
Plowboy - The AF Band can't play Lilith Fair - they're discriminated against because some of them are male. Go figure.
And you're right. Dixie Chicks probably isn't selling out any place. Apparently, they haven't put out a new album in three years. Go figure. (I had to look that up - there's three minutes of my life I won't be getting back.)
("Shunned by country music" - wow, what a shame - being told you can't hang out with the inbreeders and trailer trash. That's just sad.)
And I never really liked quiche. It's like bad scrambled eggs with cheese. But hey, Semper fi.
S/F - read up on it a little. The first M-16s were bought by the Air Force, but the Green Berets made the M-16 popular when they started using it, because they saw how well the Vietnamese were able to use it in combat.
Flyfish - OK, so you've decided you can't take my word for it. But let's see if I can help you out, anyway.
Air Force in Pre-Ranger.
SERE course, Fairchild: "The 22nd Training Squadron conducts combat Survival Training, which all Air Force aircrew members must attend. Forty-nine classes are taught per year, with each class lasting 19 days." But you're right. The cops who travel with the planes aren't really aircrew, are they? Unless your friends don't really know what they're talking about either.
(You know, it's weird - I can't find a 35-day course mentioned here. 19 days; 5 1/2 months; 2 days; 5 days; another 19-day course; 5 days; 4 days; the cadets get 21 days... Huh, you're right. Somebody must be lying. Maybe your Air Force "buddies" don't mind you looking like a dick, either... I wonder why that would be...)
Despite the fact that I think you're a bona fide idiot, I am curious about your twisted interpretation of the law. You're right, we shouldn't criminalize political policy differences. But we should uphold the law regarding torture.
But let your arrogant, condescending line of crap continue. I'm enjoying the show.
Hey Cynic ... we be waiting for you up here ...