Friday, May 29, 2009

When We Won

Just another in a series


Anonymous said...

4 of them landed at Ponte Vedra, due east of me about 20 miles and 67 years ago. There is a marker on A1A.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi, Reid and Durbin next?

I see a military coup as our only hope-if we're going to act like a banana republic that why stop in Chicago if you're going to New York? Fairy dust trillions, a VAT and appeasement? Yeah that's the ticket.

Aside from the economic destruction Obama is heaping on us-"You haven't seen anything yet" our enemies are not effing around. While Obama is cutting missile defense, N Korea is honing their missile launching capabilities!

He sends Panetta over to Israel to read Bebe the riot act-do not attack Iran! While Iran gets their nukes and missiles, for 0ur one true ally in the ME?Dogged. And the reactions to these acts of treason? Yawn

It's a jungle out there and this moron is so in the deep end of the pool. There's not a person I know with their head screwed on that isn't scared.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Military coup, or secession by several states .. . I honestly don't see another way to preserve a semblance of our heritage. A civil war, or anarchy? ugh.

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