scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Those rat-bastards ought to be scared. Gates hasn't crushed any nuts since El-Reno crushed his. He's due.
Casca -
6/16/09, 3:53 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Casca, I was just wondrin last night where yo crusty ass was.
6/16/09, 4:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm living in my own private hell at the moment. Yes, it involves a woman. I haven't had hard liquor in a couple of months. Things should be back to normal before football season starts.
Casca -
6/16/09, 4:55 PM
- Topeka Troll said...
I'm no Google fan. They are too antiAmerican for me. I use them on rare occasions, but they are indeed rare. Yahoo is getting under my skin. about half of every search result I click on sends me to some crappy advertisment page rather then the one I selected. That pisses me. Bing lacks depth, but is improving.
Groowe? I'll try anything once, many things twice, and if it involves a great looking, single, available woman, I'm all for it. -
6/16/09, 9:16 PM
Anonymous said...
I Googled Bing.
ozaoB -
6/16/09, 10:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Tonto G. -
6/16/09, 10:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I searched for "Her Filthyness".
Column A: Two hits which were misses (No mention of Hillary.)
Column B: Six Hits, only one was about Her Filthyness.
Column C: Eight hits, four on target. One from C&S (#3), One for a YouTube Hillary Ad (#4), One from SondraK (#6) and one from Think Progress (#7).
Results were:
Column A was Google (What a surprise!)
Column B was Bing and
Column C was Yahoo.
Now, if you were to spell filthiness correctly, you mostly get lots of references about some bible verse. Yahoo wins again with two correct hits; one at Terpsboy.com and, oddly, one at US News & World Reports where the article doesn't mention the terms but nevertheless is about Hillary. Bing only had one hit, a different terpsboy post and Google, as usual, couldn't find anything at all.
GrinfilledCelt -
6/17/09, 1:47 AM
- TechnoYid said...
I use ixquick.com, which uses all the major search engines except for Gargle, uh, I mean Google.
acorn.com (makes slippers)
wikipedia.org (A.C.O.R.N.)
Inside Obama's Acorn by Stanley Kurtz on National Review Online
wikipedia.org (acorns)
www.rottenacorn.com +++about A.C.O.R.N.++++
The Acorn Microcomputer (1979)
Acorn, the image editor for humans.
At least there is one negative hit on the first page! -
6/17/09, 11:18 AM