Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cap-and-trade cost

Sweet Corn?

Jodi asks ... "I don’t see anyone talking about this….only the health care budget.  The bastards are hiding it from us!!  I tell you Rog this idiot is keeping me up at night. " 

Cap and trade cost? $175 per household -- in 2020

   Critics of cap-and-trade legislation -- which would allow power companies to buy and sell emissions credits, with the idea of reducing pollution while raising money -- have said it would cost the average household more than $3,000 a year.

   Last week the Congressional Budget Office had a slightly different estimate: $175 per household in 2020.  (The full report is attached below.)

  The study is important because Republicans and Democrats rely on CBO estimates.  CBO's study suggesting one version of health reform would cost $1.6 trillion over ten years has forced health negotiators back to the drawing boards on a health insurance package.

The study is also important because the CBO in right approximately, oh ...  0% of the time. 

But, to answer Jodi's question - as best I can - I think it was Machiavelli, or maybe Eric Hoffer, or Sun Yat-sen who observed that keeping a population busy trying to find their next meal will have the salutary effect of keeping public demonstration down.  Bill Clinton refined it, with almost daily scandals, to include "the  continual dumping of shit on the people's heads will render them more concerned about keeping their heads up then about whether the effluent contains corn or tomato seeds." We're getting both barrels.

1 comment:

BlogDog said...

Picture caption: The Optimists Club finally had to admit that there was no pony.

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