Friday, June 05, 2009

Huff and Puff olio

Kafka Anyone?
The setting is a classroom in Idaho in the far off future of 2109 AD. The teacher is telling her class of enraptured pupils about how President Obama saved the world back in 2009. Somehow it segues into a lecture on the horrific carnivorous eating habits of us early 21st Century primitives:
Professor Dawkins, who was the foremost evolutionary scientist of his day, denounced what he called "speciesist arrogance" -- this idea that human beings are the pinnacle of creation -- and he called other species our "cousins,"...
...and, as Shiva is my witness, the first thought that sprang unbidden to my mind was "Well, they are our cousins. Our rich, tasty cousins. Yum!" --  [View from the porch]
Tam's thought in turn begat my own


AnnoyedOne said...

Soylent green is PEOPLE!

MitchM said...

When the food shortages start, just remember that Democrats taste like chicken.

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