There are More Ways to Go Wrong Than to Go Right. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
There are More Ways to Go Wrong Than to Go Right. |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
We all know that the "best plan" 99 times out of a hundred is for the government to do nothing and let the market sort it out. We are also well aware that the reason that costs are out of control in the first place is because of government intervention. Of course, the idea that anything can ever possibly happen anywhere without the government's direction will never, ever occur to Obama and his ilk in a million years.
With the New ObamaHealth Plan, The poor, prisoners, and illegal immigrant's health care will be free. The poor and prisoners will of course have to abide by a waiting list...Anyone professing to have a religion will be told to pray for health for at least 5 years THEN will be eligible to go on the waiting list.....The wealthy, (those able to afford bus fare after taxes) will go to Canada for their health care....Anyone not covered by the above will be provided jobs in government so they wont have to worry about the petty sh*t.
"..the 1970s made it clear that Medicare was going to get really, really expensive."
The reason of course is that the flood of new Medicare money itself drove prices up. Medicare not only increased demand, it replaced payment by individuals with limited resources by payment by the near bottomless pit of government money.
Fees and prices that were formerly kept at reasonable levels due to limits on the amount people could actually pay were suddenly free to increase as fast and as far as lobbyists could get the fee schedule increased. All that was lacking were more organized and sophisticated ways for medical care providers to separate the government from bigger and bigger chunks of money. And that didn't take long at all.
The reimbursement of fees for service by Medicare and Medicaid have been reduced for three years running. They are less than 'reasonable and customary', the catch phrase used to describe what insurance companies will pay for specific levels of service.
Problem is that in the near future there will be less Docs that will take on those patients. WJC actually paid some medical colleges to cut back on their class size. Perhaps at the urging of the AMA, which does NOT represent the majority of Docs.
Fee for service, with rates published and agreed on, no paperwork to get 'approved' by a paper-pusher, "simplifcate and add lightness" would make things less costly.
OTOH, if we are currently paying for health care for those that do not have 'insurance', they why should it cost any more? The 'hidden costs' that the D's like to parade around are already being paid, so why not tell them to STFU, we don't have a problem...