Dear Mr. Gibbs,
On June 11, during his nation-wide radio broadcast with an audience of
an estimated twenty million listeners, Rush Limbaugh repeated at least
six times that Barrack Obama and God have one thing in common: neither
God nor Obama have a birth certificate!
You have not responded to my letter of June 3, 2009, on this same
subject, which enclosed a copy of my recent missive to Rupert Murdoch,
a one-time school colleague of mine from Worcester College, University
of Oxford. Those letters and Rush Limbaugh’s joke over Obama’s refusal
to make public details concerning his birth all concerned Article II,
Section 1 of the United States Constitution. That clause requires the
President to be a “natural born” citizen.
Therefore, anyone conversant with our Constitution or who reads any of
these letters will be appalled at your disingenuous and high-handed
response to the question posed by Lester Kinsolving of World Net Daily.
You further displayed your ignorance of the Constitution by asserting
about a week later that we are committed to being a democracy! The
United States of America is a Republic. When asked what had been
created during the secret drafting sessions by the founding fathers,
Benjamin Franklin responded: “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it!”
Actions by you, Barack Obama, irresponsible judges and various high
officials are destroying that very Constitution.
Frankly, Mr. Gibbs, you lied to Kinsolving on May 27, 2009, when you said that “…the president’s birth certificate [is] on the Internet.” ...
” |
John D. Hemenway, Esq wins a Hero of the Devolution medal, and an invite to the pig roast.