Since the most powerful people in America fear the wrath of Obamanation, maybe you should too! They are indeed a dangerous bunch, after all… |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fearing Obama
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
JMcD said...
The Communists started trying to take over this country back in the early 20th century (maybe before)and like a rolling snowball this effort has increased in speed and mass, enhanced by the fact that during WWII we had Soviet Commies for "allies". Communism seems to be on the horizon again in Russia I believe, but American (by nationality only) Communists seem even more determined to be first in heading a country, (and may well be)and have many or all things in place to do so.The Supreme Court or Congress is in a position to do something about it but I don't trust them to do a damn thing...The only politician I feel trust for at the present is Palin and I do so because both the Left and the Right seem to be so dead set on eliminating her from the good graces of the American people and any office of a political nature, which has to mean she's ok... I think there are a hell of a lot more stealthy, closet Communists in office than we can withstand without the assistance of elected officials and the courts....I am baffled...The only thing I can even guess at is that the majority of the elected and of the courts have so many skeletons in their closets that fear and threats are keeping them in line, and the clean ones are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the guilty....Nothing else makes any sense to me. The truth is plain for all to see.Things seem to move along on their own while the people in authority stand by motionless and voiceless....What the hell ever happened to our "checks & balances"?..As I see it, they're non existent.
7/19/09, 3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I believe every word JB Williams says in his article.Going to happen.
ozaoB -
7/19/09, 4:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, I also think that we are heading into "interesting times".
GrinfilledCelt -
7/19/09, 7:21 PM
Anonymous said...
"If the Declaration of Independence justified the secession of three million colonists in 1776, why did it not justify the secession of five million Southerners from the Federal Union in 1861 ?"- Jefferson Davis
I am reading the trilogy/biography 1955 by Hudson Strode about Davis whom we dearly need today. The man was a genius compared to Abe and most statesmen of his day. We need a states rights Constitutionalist as strong as he was to set things straight along with term limits of course.
george -
7/19/09, 11:06 PM
- Wild Thing said...
This is the best article I have read in a long time. What timing to read this, thank you
so much for posting it!!!
Do I fear Obama yes I do. Will that fear stop me from speaking out about him, NO, in fact it is a driving force. My anger at him is part of the force as well. Yesterday ( Sunday) I sat and sobbed, the tears streaming down my face were for my beloved country. The shock of what is happening is constant too, I see what he is doing and waves of shock roll over me. A few speak out and I am grateful, but not enough and not strong enough. Their outrage is tempered with a coating of political correctness and fear I suppose of losing their jobs or the attacks that will follow.
Obama is the most dangerous man in America. He is bound and determined to destroy all my country stands for and has stood for. His loathing for our Constitution sickens and angers me. His disrepect for our Flag, for our troops, watch his salute to the Marines as he gets on and off Air Force One, his coldness to the troops as he gives his speechs to them and then walks off the stage with his chin in the air instead of making eye contact and thanking them.
How dare he destroy my country. How dare he rape our Constitution in word and deed. He and Soros and anyone else that is part of the Obama machine to get this Kenya plant elected have misjudged one important thing.
There is a spirit that thrives in our country and it has never died out, that has always existed. That spirit is in the heart and soul of many of us, the type of people that crossed our country in covered wagons, that existed in our Founding Fathers, that lives in our Veterans that fought and served in wars to keep us free and our troops today. That spirit that a wounded soldier has when he says he would do it again even thoguh he has been wounded in horrible ways. That very spirt that comes from so deep within that to see what Obama is doing goes beyond anger, and outrage it is a knife in our heart because our love for country fills our heart with such love that an intruder named Obama even exists.
That same spirit that existed on 9-11 as our firefighters were running up the stairs into danger as hundreds of lives were desperately trying to run down the stairs to get out.
This is where the human spirit thrives and can never be killed by any monster no matter how much hate is directed at killing that spirit of strength.
The fight for our freedom.for our beloved country, and the safety of ourselves, our loved ones and for our Nations future is far from over. Our strength and spirit
runs deeper and in the end we will be the ones to stand tall. And Obama and his ilk will still be cowering beneath us with their hatred and weakness as human beings.
"The flame that burns the brightest is the light of the eternal human spirit” -
7/20/09, 7:35 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Thrill down my leg, WT
7/20/09, 8:16 AM
- Wabano said...
We need a new Willam Stephenson, Ian Fleming's boss and the man who beat Hitler in WW II
When Stalin needed America's war production, "Intrepid"(his code name)
forced Stalin to execute all his saboteurs within America.
Within weeks, thousands of Communist union stewards committed 'suicide'
and had strange "accidents"
By the way, he is the man who invented the modern computer,
to crack nazis' codes... -
7/20/09, 8:18 AM