Fox News is probably being alarmist with their article about the conference titled "Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference.
You know how they are. It's just plain silly to warn us about the
global Islamic network Hizb ut-Tahrir just because they are responsible
for spawning the likes of the 9/11 terrorists. Just because they're
actively working in the U.S. doesn't mean that "Jihad is coming" or
that "Jihad is here."

It's not like these islamists are right wing extremists, or
ex-military or even veterans, come on! This a Global Islamic
Supremacist Group, they're moderates and they're perfectly legal. Never
mind that last March Hizb ut-Tahrir
called for "a state of war against America" and never mind that they
call for an overthrow of our Constitution. It's not like we're using
our Constitution anyways and their plans for the destruction of our
liberties and freedom are pretty darn close to those of the current
administration. So what if they plan the replacement of our current
rule of law with Shari'a Law, you just might like Shari'a Law. You
never know.
There's nothing to get all worked about. In fact, you should be glad
these islamists are here in America. If nothing else, think of the
So, feel free to worry about more important things, like, is Michael
still dead? Oh! That reminds me, did you know he was one of them?
That's right, he converted! Didn't he look cute in his abaya? And his
little boy! Just adorable.