Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Howard Zinn

Rommel... you magnificent
bastard, I read your book!
Patton - referring to Rommel's book, 'Infantry Attacks' or 'Infanterie greift an'
Outmaneuvering the enemy

(Three credit course)

"Historian" Howard Zinn is to American history what Leonard Jefferies is to Black Afro-Centric history, or "the school of let's-make-shit-up."  Zinn's version of history is made to conform with the Progressive (Stalinist) view that America is evil, has always been evil, and can only escape being evil by putting fellow progressives in charge.  I am absolutely certain that what little American history the Obama poseur knows, was partially learned by reading Zinn.

Anyway, Zinn was a featured speaker at  The Progressive's 100th Anniversary Conference in May. Many of Hollywood's most progressive All-Stars were in attendance, to the surprise of nobody.  I don't expect many will watch all of Zinn's speech (he is an extraordinarily bad speaker), but give it a go for the same reason Patton read Rommel.  To help us outmaneuver our common enemy. 


JMcD said...

You were certainly right Rodger, to describe this whackjob Howard Zzzzz as an "extraordinarily bad speaker",though not boring...Fascinating perhaps, but you can't call someone boring when the entire time they're speaking, you want to knock the living hell out of them.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You get 3 credits toward your PhD.

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