scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, July 13, 2009
What we are waiting for!
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Murphy is an LA Rino, another Hollywood nutjob and the LA Times will snag any minor story to trash Palin.
olds-mo-william -
7/13/09, 2:12 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
There is a real element of truth, however. The Republican party leadership are at their core all RINO. The hate Palin for her independence, and staunch conservative values.
7/13/09, 2:16 PM
Anonymous said...
I Hate the idea of a 3rd Party BUT:The Conservative Party is long overdue: Big Government types on both sides are working against everything most conservatives believe in.
Rob -
7/13/09, 2:26 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I don't believe a 3-party system is sustainable, but in the near term is necessary. The Republican party will disappear, with many becoming democrats - also a good thing. Anything to deStalinize it.
7/13/09, 2:31 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Rodger, do you really think after all of this, she would win a general election?
7/13/09, 2:44 PM
Anonymous said...
"Sarah Palin: She's like Ron Paul without the Neo Nazis"
7/13/09, 3:33 PM
- Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...
Forming a new Conservative party would be the kiss of death. 3rd parties just don't have the pull to really win anything.
I would like to see a party within a party movement.. taking a page out of the Contract with America: Conservatives draw up a set of principles followed by a legislative agenda (at least on the Federal level). I mean a bold agenda like a Flat tax, or consumption tax, repeal of the stimulus spending, etc...
Run slates in primaries of those who sign and pledge to support the principles and agenda. This should be repeated on the local and state level as well (with a specific State/local agenda in addition to the Federal). Get Conservatives to run with the agenda for a basic as County Clerk to as high as Senator. -
7/13/09, 3:37 PM
molonlabe28 said...
I concur that the Republican Party leadership is RINO.
I feel no allegiance to it whatsoever.
Palin's limited government mantra will be well-received in a year or so when the only issues are:
1. Debt;
2. Taxes; and
3. Inflation.
And Obama will personify each of them.
She has the opportunity to, in effect, be the anti-party at a time when the public will, in all likelihood, loathe both major parties.
And the Democrat Party, the Republican Party and the MSM all know this very well.
That is why their petty hit jobs, particulaly ones from newspapers which will probably be extinct by 2012, only serve to embolden us. -
7/13/09, 4:07 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Josh, what molonlabe28 said.
7/13/09, 4:11 PM
Anonymous said...
McCain got my vote last time cause I voted FOR Palin. I was already in like with her for her strong states rights stance (theres a meaty issue). I will not vote again for the lesser of two evils. Which means a lot of other people will do this and Obama will probably serve out all of his four terms.
7/13/09, 4:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Per molnlabe28:
"I concur that the Republican Party leadership is RINO."
"I feel no allegiance to it whatsoever."
Quite right too, because those MFCSer's and all them sumbitches they call friends feel the exact same way about us. And I don't really mean that, any other way than just exactly how I said it.
H -
7/13/09, 5:39 PM
Anonymous said...
If we can't get a third party going, then as a minimum I'd like to see "None of the Above" on all ballots. If NOTA wins a simple majority in any race, that position stays open until the next scheduled election (keeps the powers-that-be from appointing a gap-filler).
It might at least be one way to get an unopposed incumbent out of office.
- Bob1 -
7/13/09, 8:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't know.. A third party would pretty much give 2012 to ozero and plugs.
What I think might work, and I'm surely no expert, is for Sarah to use twitter, facebook, email lists etc. to bypass the GOPRinos and build an organization to get her on the top of the 2012 ticket.
A third party might work if we had a decade or so but I don't think we have that.
BTW - check out your local politics. I was at at REPUBLICAN Christmas party where a republican county official and the head of one of the other township GOP clubs were praising ozero and bashing Palin. I asked them "Gee sorry, I thought I was at the Republcian Christmas PArty. Sorry to bother you democrats but can you point me in the right direction. ??"
This summer I was sitting with an elected state republican and her and her idjiot hubby were on the praise ozero, bash Palin kick.
We can take control of the GOP but it has to be done quickly, efficiently and starting at the local level.
One final thought. I was at a local tea party and one of the keynote speakers was a guy who has run dozens of times for congress, the governorship etc as a third party candidate. His advice is that things can't be fixed now with a third party. Get inside your party (In the case of the tea party it would probably be GOPers )and take control of the party. Weed out and push out those that are causing the problems.
bullseye -
7/13/09, 9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Good Comments-
I noticed -belatedly as I was off fishing- that the Urban Slang dictionary has a new phrase: Pullin a Palin. Yep! "Screw it! I am going fishing,"
Yat -
Fishhook Alaska -
7/13/09, 9:35 PM
- gadfly said...
I guess it takes Da Mayor, Willie Brown to get it right about Palin:
"Governor or not, Palin is still the biggest star in the Republican galaxy. After all, who else have they got?" -
7/13/09, 9:52 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I thought "pullin a Palin ... . You know.
7/13/09, 10:24 PM
- Guy S said...
She has the charisma and the track record of breaking through the "good ol' boys network" and way of doing business as usual within the Alaskan Republican Party. All of this, along with what has been noted above about the very high levels of dissatisfaction with both parties and those who have come to power through same.
Palin is the right person at the right place at the right time. And there have been more then two parties in our nations past, so this wouldn't be the first time. However, it would be (or could be) the perfect (political) storm, allowing for a third party candidate a viable contender for the oval office.
She has my vote. -
7/13/09, 11:06 PM
- JimB said...
The difference between Sarah and the rest of these "Republicans" is that I'd vote for Sarah. JimB
7/14/09, 10:06 AM
Chuck Martel said...
If someone burns her in effigy, we will know we have a winner.
7/14/09, 12:51 PM
- Kristophr said...
Take the party over.
The RINOs control it because they put in the hours and treasure needed to take it over.
Do the same. There are more of you than them. -
7/14/09, 1:42 PM