Friday, July 24, 2009

Saving the Wheatons

Alligator had Wheaten terrier in its jaws ...
Along with encouraging words for Reagan the Wonder Dog, Juice sent me this heads-up about a guy pulling his Wheaty out of a gator's mouth - at the last second (and losing fingers in the process).  Kind of a remarkable thing here about Reagan too.

Her uncontrolled bladder prollem got so bad that we could scarce walk anywhere without stepping on little land mines.  And the smell!  Like asparagus urine on steroids.  Stopped putting the steam mop away altogether - plugged in and ready for action 24/7.  So, if diapers are good enough for me (a precondition of being allowed back in the liquor store and on my daughter's new sofa), they're good enough for Reagan .  We bought some special doggie diapers with a tail hole in them.  I think I prefer them to my own, matter of fact.  Very convenient.  Anyway, here's what happened. 

After two nights of her  moping - I'm here to tell you that dogs can be embarrassed - but with dry floors in the morning, I forgot to put them on.  Guess what?  That's right.  Scarcely an accident since then.  Reagan's back to staring at the door until I let her out again.  How about that!


Anonymous said...

Pretty cool news about Reagan. Yep. Dogs can be embarrassed, I've seen before.

Anonymous said...

We just experienced a similar problem, Mrs. Annoyed bought a steam cleaner just for this. On a hunch I took her to the vet (the dog, not Mrs. Annoyed) and it turned out pooch was diabetic. Insulin shots have greatly reduced the "incidents". I suggest getting Reagan checked. It can be behavior or something medical.


Anonymous said...

Our oldish mostly beagle of ~40lbs is on a pill called "Proin 25" chewable tables. Her leakage has almost ceased. We alternate giving her 1 complete tablet and 1/2 tablet the next day.
I put it in some water in her food bowl, let it dissolve, then add her food later.
Big difference.

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