scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, July 27, 2009
White Racist America
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
DoubleU said...
The President and his elitist professor friend believe that most of the common folk like to sit around and have a beer.
If the officer says "no", the officer looks bad. If he says "yes" the President looks good. This -
7/27/09, 9:11 AM
Anonymous said...
DoubleU's got it right - it's a no win situation for the officer - Obama and Gates have set him up - no matter what happens Obama (and Gates) will come out of this looking good.
The officer not so much so.
. -
7/27/09, 9:26 AM
David said...
The officer should ignore the offer. Do not reply.
If he feels a reply is necessary then he should say "Sorry, I only hang out and drink with guys I respect who don't stand up in public and tell the world how stupid I am."
Then to hell what the liberal media thinks about him. It would be better to have the media tell the world you won't cooperate with the men that have tried to destroy you than to be seen cooperating with them.
This man is screwed whether he goes for the drink or not. The media and the obama flunkies are going to Joe the Plumber him regardless of what he does or says. So why give them more ammunition to use against you. -
7/27/09, 10:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Why Sgt.Crowley should NOT accept this invitation, beside the fact that Obama is attempting to nullify his own racial arrogance, the quote was "..the Cambridge police acted stupidly... ." Obama insulted the entire police dept of Cambridge, MA. Not just Sgt. Crowley. He's now attempting to single out and intimidate ONE officer. Obama is a sour, curdled milk. Stinky!
Juice -
7/27/09, 10:12 AM
Anonymous said...
He should refuse on the grounds that el presidents is attempting to engage him in alcohol abuse.
7/27/09, 10:55 AM
Anonymous said...
I say Sgt.Crowley should accept on the condition that his fellow officers, that Obama also insulted, can attend. Then he brings a coalition of officers with immpeccable performance and diverse backgrounds. If Obama accepts, the diverse and well-trained force receives national press. If Obama refuses then the focus is back on the insults that Obama made to a wide group of men and women.
In the mean time have the tapes and transcripts of the call and arrest made public. Have the past extreme messages of Gates made public. Just as Rodger the Real King of France did in the post above this one. Here in CO, the poser Ward Churchill was exposed in very simlar circumstances (he brought the attention, the public did the research, and he was treated as he should have been years ago).
Also, as the above commenter alludes to, use this moment as a teaching moment for alcohol abuse in addition to teachign about the necessity to obey the law and its officers. That no one is above the law, even a close friend of the president.
CO-professor -
7/27/09, 11:35 AM
Anonymous said...
Sgt. Crowley should take a friend. Buzz Aldrin. Tell Buzz that Gates & Obama think the moon landings were faked.
7/27/09, 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I think Sgt. Crowley should respond, "Sure, I'll be happy to come to the White House...if I'm going to receive an apology."
And then I think Rush should start a campaign to have people donate one dollar apiece - all to go to Crowley - if he refuses to attend without the apology. The Sgt. could wind up a millionaire. I'd put in two bucks if he promises to walk out on Obama if he attends and doesn't hear, "I'm sorry" in the first twenty minutes.
Kate -
7/27/09, 1:28 PM
JMcD said...
Sorry to say, and I know it's not an easy choice, but he should decline, pleading other commitments.He was right in the way he handled the burglar call (see insert) and to appear with Obama and Gates is just to set himself for ridicule by two white hating, expert racists,where he, Crowley, comes out the fall guy.
(Posted in HERZOGIAN Comments)
Very well put by Anonymous ...
"You miss something very simple: when a cop arrives at a scene, he or she is prepared to find someone who is armed and violent. They are risking their lives daily, and they all know someone who has been injured or killed. They are obviously in a hepped up, adrenal state when they arrive, and must try to control it. Not offending you is a very low priority; they are concerned with their jobs and their lives.
Going into a closed room with a potentially armed man is apparently the most dangerous situation to be in—hence, Gates was brought onto his porch where there were witnesses. Cops are trained not to let down their guard until they are thoroughly convinced that the situation is safe—hence the request for more information than a Walmart checkout clerk might need.
In this case, with an “out of control” (according to a witness) guy screaming at him, regardless of who he was, the cop had reason to feel he was at risk. “Why didn’t he just walk away?” people ask. Because he didn’t know this jerk wasn’t going to pull a weapon and put holes into his back. The guy was ballistic.
The reason you don’t scream at a cop is not just because they are power freaks (undoubtedly some of them are), but because they are armed, have their adrenal juices flowing, and prepared for violence.
Keeping things low-key is in everyone’s interest. This is just common sense."
July 26, 2009 5:31 PM...........
I totally agree with anonymous...Officer Crowley has done NO wrong and does not deserve what would surely be the outcome of any meeting with "The W.E.B.DuBois Boys" ....I'm surprised that the Obama prick didn't ask Uncle Jeremiah Wright to the f*cking meeting! -
7/27/09, 5:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Juice!!!You made me laugh! (hard to do now a days) mary
7/27/09, 6:28 PM
JMcD said...
Cambridge Police Profiling Still A Grim Reality for Harvard Faculty Assholes
7/27/09, 10:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Sgt. Crowley should take a friend. Buzz Aldrin. Tell Buzz that Gates & Obama think the moon landings were faked. Comedy gold!
ozaoB -
7/27/09, 11:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Respond kindly:
"No thank you, I do not make it a practice to associate with racists."
Wonder if he is still "behind Obama 110%", after his president decided who was at fault, admittedly before hearing any evidence.
Sometimes the little truths that leak out around the edges reveal a lot of hidden beliefs.
Officer Crowley is going to be skewered no matter what he does. He would be best served by trying to get out of the spotlight. Nothing good will come of his appearance at the WH.
tomw -
7/28/09, 8:53 AM
- Scottiebill said...
Sgt. Crowley should boycott the White House kegger and go have a beer or three with people he, and the American people, can trust.
7/28/09, 3:15 PM