FDIC "Tells Banks" To Quit Cooking The Books! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
FDIC "Tells Banks" To Quit Cooking The Books! |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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9 mm Parabellum and .22 Long Rifle.
I have all I need ...
Got everything but the panty hose (how about stockings and garter belts for a little spice) and the mimeograph machine here in Eastern Tennessee on the banks of the Mighty Tennessee River.
(you forgot to mention clorox to clear the drinking water and to spray into the eyes of the heathens when they arrive at your doorstep.)
Hammers, hand saws, non electric drills, 22 cal subsonic rounds, black powder ingrediants, old tire weights, and .44 cal mold. Maybe some seeds.
I'm stockin' up on blank birth certificates.
A pot still, and plans and instructions for a four column still. Booze, or ethanol for fuel. A reloading press, with instructions, plenty of lead ingots, and the army manual of...nevermind. The one Paladin Press used to carry.
Also some opium poppy seeds.
Heroin: the strongest pain reliever you can buy, without a prescription. The seeds are legal.
And don't forget the Anthropophagic cookbook. There's only going to be one major source of protein if things go south.
Chile con Hombre. Homme Bourguinon.
I'm not wasting my limited funds on things people will try to take from me. Instead, I have reverted to the plan I had when Carter was president, and which I revised when Clinton took the helm: every month I buy another box of ammunition in each of the calibers of weapons I own. I figure I can get just about anything I need or want with lead, including all you folks with your $1000/ounce gold.
Worse comes to worst, I'll meet you some dark night in some lonely parkinglot or at your front door and we'll see how that old-fashioned "barter system" works.
Condoms. Lots and lots of condoms.
Whythehell would I go to a parking lot at night, dumbass? I mean... You just wait for me right there, 'k?
Don't forget antibiotics, bandages and birf control: all necessary, tradable items. Some of which I foresee Mr Dark Parking Lot needing sooner rather than later.
People whose survival plan is to stock up on guns and ammo and then "take what they need" when the time comes are:
1. The bad guys that the rest of us have to worry about
2. Probably going to die violent, painful deaths (which is the opposite of surviving)
3. S.O.L. if they can't find what they intended to steal, e.g. potable water
Now head over to survivalblog.com and get with the program.