scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Mo's Hummer
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- B....... said...
Great story Mo. And nice lawn.....
8/9/09, 9:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Beat me to it B.... Awesome story and pics. Thanks. Dittos on the landscape.
8/9/09, 9:49 AM
- Gothguy said...
Sometimes I think animals can feel it when you mean them no harm. Great story.
8/9/09, 10:09 AM
- LindaSoG said...
I think Gothguy is right, they just know. That was a wonderful story, and one I'll never forget either. Thanks for sharing it with us.
8/9/09, 10:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Goes to kitchen to finally put my humingbird feeder together. . .
--mech -
8/9/09, 11:42 AM
- MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...
First off, let me say thanks to Rodge for posting this on his site. I would have, but I just have not had the time to mess around with my site. Perhaps I should make a little time to get back into posting. A bigger reason for me not keeping up with my website has been my overwhelming anger and disgust with the direction our country has been going even before control of the USA was given over to a communist foreign dictator. In my present state of mind, my rantings would have assuredly led to my incarceration or assassination.
Also, thanks to Rodge for correcting me on my assumption that the hummingbird was a male. And just for the record, that quart of Citgo oil on the shelf is probably 20 years old. No way would I give a single penny of my hard earned money to that commie fucktard Chavez down in Venezuela.
Thanks also for all the compliments on the lawn/landscape, but honestly, I was cleaning the caked up grass from under the mower because I had let the lawn go unmowed for close to 2 weeks and it choked the mower almost to the point of burning out the clutch. Momma does the flowers and shrubbery so she deserves most of the credit in that department.
BTW, did I ever mention the story about the red-tailed field hawk I rescued back in '98?
...perhaps another time. Too bad I don't have any pictures for that one :(
What was even more remarkable was that just 2 hours before that, I had the pleasure of witnessing a very different type of hummingbird. I got a few pictures of that one too. Give me a few hours and I'll post about the whole experience over at mofizixgr4fix.com.
Might as well. What better way can there be to break the silence than to do so in a non-agressive manner? There'll be time for dealing with my rantings at a later date. -
8/9/09, 1:06 PM
Anonymous said...
How did you know it was up there in the web?
Did you hear a faint, squeaky "Helllp meeee?"
[/culture ref]
Nice of you to help a birdie.
Not much on the drumsticks, eh?
[/poultry ref]
Sure your lawn isn't astroturf?
[/news ref]
—DougM -
8/9/09, 1:23 PM
JMcD said...
Consider yourself lucky MoFiZiX, that you weren't attacked and killed.....Birds ARE dinosaurs, you know?
8/9/09, 1:24 PM
- Virgil Rogers said...
If you check the web pages on Hummers you'll learn that it's common for them to get trapped inside garages, and even with the garage door open for them to continue to bounce against the ceiling trying to escape because for some reason they're programmed to fly UP when threatened.
I captured/rescued a litle male Ruby Throated in my mom's garage a few years ago just after conicidentally reading about this phenomena and the experience of holding the little creature in my bare hand will always be a treasure. -
8/9/09, 2:42 PM
Murphy(AZ) said...
Good on ya, MoFiZiX! Ya did good by one of God's own critters, and that earns ya a shady seat in Purgatory for your efforts. And He probably will take notice of yer lawn, too.
8/9/09, 3:25 PM
Dr. Hardcrab said...
Now that just made my day!
That is pretty cool... -
8/9/09, 4:50 PM
- pdwalker said...
ya dun good boy!, ya dun good. -
8/9/09, 7:19 PM
- MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...
Ok folks, I just got done posting the rest of the story HERE for anyone interested.
8/9/09, 7:45 PM
- gadfly said...
Mo . . .
The second hummer looks to be a clear-winged hummingbird moth. If you have ever seen one up close and personal, they look and fly like a hummingbird.
Google a picture! -
8/9/09, 8:18 PM
Anonymous said...
No offense gadfly, but after google imaging, you are ku-ku!! MoFiZiX Gr4FiX hummer was NOT a moth!!
IMHOO, Juice -
8/9/09, 10:29 PM
Anonymous said...
So sorry gadfly, honest. Blame it on McGuire's Irish Pub. You seem to be correct on the second flora photo. My error, forgive? Juice
8/9/09, 10:35 PM
- MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...
Uh, did you guys even bother reading the post? You know, pictures only tell half the story. I DID call the ugly ass bug what it was. Allow me to retort...
"It just so happens that it was a Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) HUMMINGBIRD sphinx moth!"
Go back and try reading the post before flaming my ass.
Dominus Vobiscum
Mo -
8/9/09, 11:19 PM
jodi said...
Wow, just when I thought the story couldn't be top...Reading gadfly, Juice, and Mo's comment just leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy. No one can talk to each other like that except family!
8/10/09, 12:51 AM
jodi said...
That should read "topped".
8/10/09, 12:52 AM
- MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...
Jodi - If comenters on this blog hav too lower arselfs to the leval of fleming othars fer there spelin mistaks, we truley hav losed are way.
BTW, U R right... its all in the family :) -
8/10/09, 7:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the best thing I've seen all day! Husband and I have a feeder on the back porch, and it it hummingbird central. I have to refill it at least twice a week! I'm in California, and have never seen the colorful ones you show.....perhaps we are not only drained of all money, but all color too. Ours are light tan with orange underbellies. They seem to be quite territorial too....the biggest one tries to chase off the smaller ones. He figures he's found the "El Dorado", and he's not sharing!
Ad rem -
8/10/09, 4:15 PM