This picture was passed off
during the campaign as showing Professor Obama teaching his University of Chicago Law School.class The corollary to calling him a law professor
is calling all hospital employees doctor. Nevertheless, if true, Obama
was teaching them Alinsky organizing tactics. Most likely the
picture was taken at one of his ACORN classes where he was actively
involved in the teaching process.
an editorial calling for a thorough investigation of ACORN,
Investors Business Daily makes these points - one of which I was
unaware of.
“ |
News' Glenn Beck revealed on his show that Acorn's main affiliate was
operating out of a former New Orleans funeral home shared with two SEIU
locals. Wade Rathke, a New Orleans resident, is founder of Acorn and
also SEIU founder and chief organizer.
How'd I miss that? You can't take a second off in this business of
watching Obama. Not that I'm shocked. The organizational
structure and thug tactics of the two, as used by Obama, are nearly
The fact is that this "charitable organization" helped precipitate the
mortgage meltdown that shattered the economy. It was Acorn, under the
cover of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), that intimidated banks
through mob action into making risky loans in the name of "fairness" to
people who could not afford them.
The tactics, taken straight from the pages of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for
Radicals," were used by Acorn as early as 1991, when it took over the
House Banking Committee room for two days to protest efforts to scale
back the CRA.
” |
Which fact would explains this
After the voter-registration fraud stories of 2008, Michigan Democrat
John Conyers temporarily bucked party leaders by calling for hearings
on accusations that Acorn had committed crimes ranging from voter fraud
to a mob-style "protection" racket. He soon changed his mind, saying
only that the "powers that be" had demanded he drop the idea.
” |
I'm convinced that a
thorough congressional investigation of ACORN would yield a treasure
trove of answers about Obama's past, similar to what the Venona files
told us about communist spies in the United States. Which makes it an
improbability as long as Democrats control congress..